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Everything posted by midnight

  1. So your ass smells like fall!
  2. The Jets whooped our ass in preseason. I hate football right now. At least my baseball team is tearing it up right now.
  3. The Falcons are my team, but damn! They suck this year. I don’t know what’s up with them. We’ve been busy with our son’s soccer practices, so I forgot all about the preseason and the fact that opening day was Thursday. We have lost every game. If I’m going to enjoy the season, I need a second pick.
  4. I prefer the Steelers over the Patriots. Mainly because the Patriots came back and whooped our asses two years ago in the Super Bowl. (Most ridiculous game I’ve ever watched).
  5. I’ll bet the Lions finish ahead of the Falcons. I’ll bet our high school team could take the Falcons this year.
  6. Fuck the Falcons. I was behind on the preseason, and wasn’t even aware that my team kicked off opening day, Thursday. The Falcons lost all the preseason games, and the first game of the season. It’s gonna be a long season. I better get to picking a second team. Let’s go Saints?
  7. Indeed. And by going to bed at a reasonable hour last night, I feel great today.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Well, plan b resulted in not going to bed until 11. I ate too much dinner and was miserable. Bloated. It was my own damn fault. I couldn’t resist the ham and the macaroni and cheese. My nemesis is macaroni and cheese. I love it, but it hates me. (I didn’t learn my lesson, as I will be fucking up some more macaroni and cheese later, and then probably some more after that).
  10. I laughed out loud. Very wrong. But very funny. Hahaha!
  11. I can watch a McDonald’s commercial and gain 3 pounds.
  12. (Hangs head). I did.
  13. Hahahaha @ Guardian of the Galaxy!
  14. A snapping turtle perhaps? A rabid clam? Finger aids maybe?
  15. What kind of shit does the Pope take? Thank you.
  16. We have a ps4 and an Xbox one. I just like to get other people’s takes on the systems. So far, more folks like ps4 than they do Xbox.
  17. I never used select. Same as NES. Never used select on it either.
  18. I really don’t play games all that much, lately. I bought the ps4 for disco a few years ago for Christmas, and then got the Xbox one, just so we wouldn’t have any limitations as far as new, cool games coming out. We could get the ps4 exclusives and the Xbox one exclusives. Disco will not play the Xbox because of the controller. But in all honesty, I’d rather watch her play, than actually play myself. She likes to play the survival horror games. I love to watch them, but my anxiety won’t let me play the scary games.
  19. I forked out $150 on the Xbox Elite controller. It has a nice grip on it, but it’s heavy as hell. But I have to comment on the touchpad on the ps4 controller. That is a stupid feature in my opinion. I mean, I know it’s used as a menu button of sorts, but that could have easily been used by pressing another button. The actual touchpad itself is super sensitive if you try to type something. I just don’t care for that feature.
  20. If it’s really windy outside, I have to tie my beard up, or else it blows in my eyes. It’s really like having a second head of hair. I wash it with shampoo, brush it out, dry it. I just got a foot cut off it a couple of months ago, but it’s still long. I need to get the sides trimmed again now.
  21. Have you seen the new Vantage controller for ps4? It looks like an Xbox controller. I was always a ps person. But the controller never felt right for me. When I got an Xbox, I finally found the controller that works for me. I lost my left index finger in a 4-wheeler accident a long time ago, and it was always hard to use the L1 and L2 buttons, and operate the sticks at the same time. With the left control stick being so near to the triggers on the Xbox controller, it’s a lot easier for me to use.
  22. Hahahahaha! I knew all I had to do was mention a balloon. (Trigun perks). (Trigun has balloon notifications).
  23. Blow up balloon with anus .
  24. Hahaha! But true. That was a problem early on, but now my beard doesn’t get in my mouth while eating. It is also very hot in the summer. I do miss the breeze hitting my bare face, but the beard comes in handy in the winter.
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