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Everything posted by midnight

  1. And now there are security cameras set up at the dumpsters to track down and fine people who are littering and making the areas look trashy. You're welcome. Shit for brains. You truly have no idea about anything do you? Keyboard warrior. Pussy in real life. Typical. Not knocking you, bro. It's just, be original. There's too many of those around these days. Wanna stand out and be different? Try not being an internet tough guy, who's scared of his own shadow irl.
  2. You make everything political because you have no understanding of life. Carry on, fool.
  3. Haha. Nah. I was referring to you as a Non Player Character. Which is what you are. But if throwing some Trump shit in there is what you have to do to make you seem relevant to yourself, then you do you.
  4. You are irrelevant in everybody's life. You have no substance about you. You are minuscule in every fabric of existence. A peon. You are an NPC.
  5. I came here for a personal reason. Besides, my wife posted this thread and I am seconding her. Be grateful I am trying to leave the boards and stop bitching at me. Instead of trolling and fueling the fire as you said, take a page out of your own book and shut up.
  6. This. ^^^^
  7. A crossover SUV has the chassis of a car. You are still driving a car, fuggs. You stupid fuck.
  8. Her mom is still making her payments on the '09 piece of shit she slides her slimy ass in every day. The only thing the cunt owns is debt. Broke bitch = two jobs and still a broke bitch.
  9. Sitting here like the old fuck I am, watching The Today Show.
  10. Avengers Endgame 9/10. Ma 8/10. Us 8/10. Spider-Man Far From Home 8/10. Annabelle Comes Home 2/10. The Nightmare Before Christmas 4/10. Hocus Pocus 4/10. Child's Play 6/10. The Lion King 9/10. Dumbo 9/10.
  11. I can't tell. Not like anyone is getting kicked out of this place for good. That's the problem with the place. There's some good people here that don't come around much anymore and it's all because of the assholes. I mean, I know I'm an asshole, and I would have never joined this site, had it not been for personal reasons. I had one goal when I came here, and I wasn't expecting to last this long. I've asked to be removed before, and was granted a three month ban. I want a permanent ban, because this place is no fun anymore. It shouldn't even be an issue. There should be a delete account option here. Then no one would have to bother anyone. You could just delete your shit and be done with it. But since that's not an option, here we are.
  12. It's not being lazy. There should be an option here, just like everywhere else. If anyone is being lazy, it's the mods by not just granting our requests. I'm not changing my password to bullshit. I want my fucking account removed. As in, inaccessible. Non-existent. Simple request.
  13. Fill me in. Who were you before this name?
  14. Man of Medan.
  15. I have asked for both of my profiles to be deleted, and yet, here I am. Still waiting. I guess I'll have to cross a line to catch permanent bans on both. I mean, I can do that. I was just trying to avoid the hassle for myself and the mods who would have to clean up the mess.
  16. You make no goddamn sense. Go reread what your dumb ass typed.
  17. Shut the fuck up.
  18. She's a retard. Chances are, this shit didn't happen anyways. Manic mother fucker is scared to touch an unloaded, from the factory firearm. Just seeking more attention.
  19. I'm not a supporter of the hoohah club. What can I say?
  20. Small business. You are more likely to see small businesses reserve the right to refuse service. Major corporations, it still applies, but not as much. There are many things wrong with her statement. But I am biased. She's a piece of shit.
  21. If I came into Kmart, haha, and you refused to open the case for me, I'd have your job for it. You don't get to refuse service because you are against guns. Kmart doesn't give a shit about your stance on guns. You are supposed to make sales. You should only refuse if someone is acting suspicious. Or if they have no ID.
  22. That's very anti-American of you.
  23. Yep. I know it's harder for women. But she wants to blame her fatness on yet another ''illness.'' Instead of just admitting she's a fat fuck because she lives off of fast food. But yeah, being sick will drop the weight quick. Anytime I get the flu, I am guaranteed to shed 10-20 pounds. Sometimes more. Even after getting well, it takes a while to gain an appetite back. For me anyways. I'm going to try to shed 20 before Thanksgiving, so I can just add it right back. Ha.
  24. I do mine all in one day. Vacuuming is what I hate the most. And the bathrooms. Plus, tomorrow, I have to wash all the bed sheets, which is just a pain in the ass. I hate making the beds. Especially our son's. His bed is butted up to a wall, and he has stuffed animals everywhere. It's a bitch to make his bed. Our kitchen gets cleaned everyday, since we do cook a lot. Plus, no one can seem to find their mouths at the table. They get more food on the floor, than they do in their mouths.
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