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Majin Mayhem

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Everything posted by Majin Mayhem

  1. aww good for u
  2. Had a tornado last week...I get a notification cause I’m at work, so I shoot a heads up to LB...and this mother fucker says “yeah...I see it”
  3. cotton candy
  4. I tend to pick it up and eat it at home
  5. I don’t drink caffeine...and it’s rare I have soda
  6. Well yes...but the riper the fruit the more sugar it has...so I think it has something to do with the sugar breakdown of over ripe fruit...
  7. That’s smart... but something about it...if I don’t eat like toast or something first it makes my gut flip flop...same with bananas
  8. Lb doesn’t like watermelon...so I don’t buy it often cause I can’t eat it fast enough before it goes bad
  9. Yeah...but seeing as how this wasn’t a PM...all posts are subject to the peanut gallery
  10. At first I was like this fucking turd can’t spell month... opened thread.. Laughed hard.... i was not disappointed
  11. He does have a point...for all the “up in arms” shit that goes on...being called gingay as an insult is rather homophobic... especially during pride week...tisk tisk
  12. No it’s Jew sashimi...get yo shit right
  13. What? Don’t like Jew-shimi?
  14. Correction...hungry for Jews... YEAH....YOU.... GET BACK IN THE OVEN
  15. Technically all photo posts on this forum are public domain...therefore she already lost this argument
  16. Yeah but I alerted the mods preemptively...I was like...”hold mah beer”...
  17. Isn’t this board predominantly white? If that were the case she would already have had her own water fountain
  18. Thats why whenever I see him post i ignore it
  19. I accept my bans and take them with grace... where you become a blattass
  20. No...cause I don’t have 2 hoa’s
  21. I woke up....put on a little makeup...went and got a passport photo...at this barbershop that actually bangin so LB can get his hair cut...probably gonna go find some food...buy this sapphire ring I’ve been eyeballing for awhile....go home....play vidja games and pass out
  22. That’s it?...I had to have spend $130 last month...easy
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