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Majin Mayhem

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Everything posted by Majin Mayhem

  1. Yes but I get furry arms of purrs...and sleep
  2. Gladly I oblige currently at the movies ill get back to you
  3. I have some ideas easy can’t fuck up ideas you picky eater?
  4. Chef? Yes! Have degree should have asked me for some tips dick, just fucking text
  5. my day was productive...
  6. No.....and did you not take biology?
  7. The rat was funny....the clown....probably the most disturbing thing
  8. Let the fucker burn
  9. Lol oh fuck no
  10. Budget cuts?
  11. so this just happened....and the last is the text message between me and my boss...lol
  12. Wow you can’t take a joke can you
  14. Most public service vehicles have their own gas...so cops, ambulance, fire trucks, post office, taxi companies...
  15. I haven’t had a pbj in years...but crunchy pb all the way...and if no crunchy pb is available...throw some ruffle chips in there
  16. when you turn white?
  17. well fuck...we’re not getting any younger....and you’re not the worst I could do.....u want babies? Cool...not changing a single diaper tho. Don’t get fat, and sign this pre-nup
  18. ugh this guys artistic eye is trash.....he likes where I’m headed but he wants me to put a shirt on the Fox......
  19. hopefully......taking a bare assed shit on my mother’s headstone
  20. no....no it doesn’t.....
  21. sent out a logo design to a local shoe designer....waiting to see if he wants to buy it....
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