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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. start your own social media website then after that idk
  2. Of course not I went to catholic school jesus would weep
  3. I'm sure you will, I already have 20 set aside for you 💰 . This is mainly added motivation for me to get back on track. Otherwise I'll just keep putting this off and getting flabbier
  4. If by tomorrow that means Tuesday I’m okay with that. I ordered a scale but i don’t think it’ll make a huge difference whether we start before or after it gets here, it’s not like I’m going to lose 5 lbs or something before Thursday. While I don’t want to go solely by weight I’m curious as to how much I’ve gained, I know for sure I’m going to need to bring it down a bit if I want to get back to where I was before the lockdowns. Was never bulky but had good muscle tone. You can also pm me if you have other thoughts/ideas. Even though it’s virtual these days school takes up a big chunk of my time so I don’t come here much.
  5. Ok that's a good idea, more incentive to keep up with the work. I'm just gonna show my belly flab tho because its where all the fat i gained accumulated. oh and when idk 🤔 if you want to get anymore fast food or popcorn in do that first and we can submit them the day after
  6. I didn’t think about that. Also what if he calls into those phone sex lines. Would that count? Now I know his dirty tricks probably
  7. Also this. Except the second part. Even drunk I still shield my butt
  8. Maybe you have some advanced pants from the future that know how to up the comfort
  9. Yeah I didn’t want to go by weight. I guess some sort of physical change from the flab might be best. As long as it’s kinda noticeable we’ve been doing work. Whether tone or muscular bulk. Idk, any ideas?
  10. Sounds good. You’re on
  11. Hmm not sure. I was thinking loser gets the other food or something. But idk how that would work and also that might defeat the purpose of us trying to get back into shape 🤔
  12. He also did a new christmas movie for netflix. But I don't think that one counts since freeform wont be airing that one
  13. We gotta up the stakes a lil for more incentive to keep up the work. Idk how though and no dont go there for Jack, it's not worth it probably
  14. There's that one, and like 3 Santa Clause movies
  15. I just had Jack in the Box so go for it. I may have some popcorn later too I've got some movies to marathon. Also I'm serious btw. By the time I finish the spring semester next year I'm hoping to have my abs back. We'll compare our progress then, maybe do a midway check in like Jan or Feb or something
  16. Lets motivate each other to lose the flab
  17. Maybe I'll update my resume. and maybe more reason to lose this lockdown belly fat. Need to look good if I decide to get back into the game
  18. I've been waiting for the pretty hat machine to make me a pretty hat
  19. Hey I keep my toilet and bathroom in general very clean.
  20. Will one of the days be nothing but Tim Allen christmas movies? He has at least 4 I think, possibly more
  21. does it still count if it was for free and only for a short while? 🤔 was fun tho I'd probably be up for stuff like that again if a future lady was into it, but never considered myself a performer
  22. I have a cousin that still uses a flip phone. I don't think it can browse the internet so out of anyone I know they could be the only one
  23. I used to see someone who was a bit of an exhibitionist and she was a fan of the gonewild subreddit among others. It was all pov stuff so I never showed my face but they're probably still floating around there somewhere. and it probably is. she wasn't good for me I just put up with it because I got to do fun stuff
  24. Im not sure I want to find out
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