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new_disease last won the day on July 18 2020

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About new_disease

  • Birthday April 29

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  1. a Cajun flavored chicken sandwich from Wingstop. and a Coke Zero
  2. My top wrestler catchphrases. Sayings? Idk, whichever. these are from WWF/WWE from like 2010 and before so idk about any new ones that may be just as cool. 1. If you smell what The Rock is cooking - The Rock 2. Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass - Stone Cold Steve Austin 3. WOO! - Ric Flair 4.. Can you dig it/that sucka? - Booker T 5. Get the tables! - Dudley Boyz 6. And if you're not down with that, we got two words for you. Suck It! - D-Generation X 7. Awesome/Because I'm awesome! - The Miz 8. Gimme a hell yeah! - Stone Cold Steve Austin 9. What?! - Stone Cold Steve Austin 10. Ohhhh Yeahhhh - Macho Man Randy Savage
  3. I know it wont happen but there should be primaries before every presidential election. Electing someone new to a 4 year term needs to stop being treated as an 8 year commitment. This could probably be worded better but hopefully people get what I mean.
  4. Apparently today is national chicken sandwich day. So after enjoying a bogo chicken sandwich from Wingstop I will rank fast food places by how good I think their chicken sandwiches are. 1. Wendy's. Their spicy chicken sandwich is always my go to 2. Jack in the Box. 3. Wingstop. Sometimes they overdo the sauce or they barely put any depending on the flavor I choose. But they get bonus points for all the sauce/rub options to pick from 4. Carls Jr. 5. Burger King. Sad chicken and limpy lettuce. And way too much mayo
  5. I don't disagree with you. I only linked that because if Biden's own team, and Biden himself, were aware how terrible he was doing he could've dropped out a lot sooner or the DNC could have had an open primary. A lot of 'could have's' here but to sum it up I guess, seems like Biden had an ego or some sort of savior complex.
  6. twitter_1855232763651109311.mp4
  7. I'm not going through 20+ pages of posts but after skimming just this one I'll post my thoughts on the most recent event making the rounds. Those were not pogroms, words have meaning. Those racist fans spent the day chanting death to Arabs, attacking homes and shops that had the Palestine flag and were deliberately being antagonistic towards Dutch citizens. They even intentionally interrupted the moment of silence for the flood victims in Spain by setting off illegal fireworks, screaming, and whistling. Disrespect because Spain decided to back an arms embargo so Spain is apparently antisemitic now. This time people had enough and fought back. That specific soccer team is known to have one of the most racist and violent fan bases. The teams ‘fan song’ has the lyrics ‘Ole ole Ole ole ole Let the IDF win and fuck the Arabs Ole ole Ole ole ole Why is school out in Gaza? There are no children left there ‘. They were looking for a fight and they got one. A pushback to the violence they started is not a pogrom. They are not victims. But I guess antisemitism is when Israelis/zionists aren’t allowed to be violent/racist/genocidal towards Arabs right? Please don't fall for easily refutable hasbara.
  8. Has this been posted here yet.
  9. Kinda forgot this place existed. Logging back on after seeing I had it buried in my bookmarks I can't help but think about the few people I grew close with on the old boards that I've lost contact with. I hope they're doing great.
  10. Could I put some of the chili on my hotdog to make it a chili dog
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