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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. My Dad loved these comics. I had a whole book at one point. Man, I should have kept up with it.
  2. Big mad
  3. *spreads*
  4. It is closed right now while im sitting on it
  5. You have a house. Ask them to come live with u and get them a nurse during times youre at work. That is, if u really give a fuck
  6. Omg. Where's my heart pills?
  7. Several times over the course of many years!
  8. MOMS GRILLING AT HOME AND I DONT HAFTA GO NO WHERE! moms gonna fix it all soon! Moms coming round to put it back the way it outta beeeee!
  9. He doesn't put bbq on ANYTHING!
  10. Yah whats fun abt being surrounded by a bunch of people for all that time?
  11. I offered to drop my mom n daughter off but i don't want to be there
  12. I hate my family. Fuck them. And my cousin bbqs without bbq sauce. Wtf is up with that?! Fuck it in..30ish. I no longer have to do shit i dun wanna!
  13. Showing a lil pasty white leg. Hes gotta give in now!
  14. Yah they lying. Its tinder. You only swipe when u like the person cuz theres literally thousands of women on there lol one is from a fb friend who aint even nearby to fuck
  15. The last one shows u my main pic. How am i catfishing anyone?
  16. Girl, im gross? Cuz ill my life ive had men fawning over me. Some girls, too. Im kind of a big deal. Check out some reciepts, biiiiiitch
  17. Probably virgin #633
  18. It sure as fuck is rare when im at. Unless im at chik fil a.
  19. Huge thick brown thighs stretched wide open and trembling as muscular white boi slurps down on the honey pot gulping down every drop. Mmmmmm
  20. Ive never and have never wanted to sit on someone's face. That doesnt turn me on. I like to lay back and relax as i get a good lick down thank you very much!
  21. Way for a married woman to behave but get angry over the hoohah of a single chick 😄
  22. Shooting up now, junkie?
  23. She smokes at her sisters house and then denies it like im stupid and dont know what weed smells lile
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