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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. It was the days before i was medicated. Mania helped me work my ass off!
  2. Ahh the days of unlimited OT. I miss them. My supervisor said i worked like a Mexican lol i had to stop because i started bleeding from the mouth from talking too much lol Money was damn good, though!
  3. Morning this week. Could change. Its very hard for me to shower so ive been putting it off until the last minute lately.
  4. Can we keep the packard hate in packard threads and fugg hate in fugg threads?
  5. 20180710_153736.mp4
  6. I never had a condom break but they do come off while inside. Military hottie says thats hawt. But then u gotta wait while he puts on another one.
  7. More creepy than conspiracy Your phone analyzes and categorizes your pictures by the content of whats in your photos. So basically, your phone has the TECHNOLOGY to "look" at whats in your pics. Don't believe me? Here's proof. Try it yourself by going to the search on your pics and type in only one letter!
  8. Is everyone ignoring that sawdy looks nothing like dude in the picture?
  9. The least starting pay i had working in a cube was $12.50. Verizon wireless in 2007. Now their starting pay is $17.
  10. Suzanne was one of those "gifted" kids...my best friend. She could have gone straight to college. Instead, she got a job where i was and we moved in together. Mandy also got a job there and moved to the same apartment complex. Hmmm...shit...i dunno why them white gals did everything i did. I guess my friends really loved me. I was way too ill to make good decisions back then. Was out of my flippin mind lol
  11. My daughter wants a switch. We have a wii, a ps4, an xbox, snes classic and nintendo 3ds. I reeeallllly dont wanna get a freaken switch...but it looks like its gonna happen. She mentions it daily.
  12. I was anti prom. Anti SATS anti college applications. Not only did i not do any of those things...not one of my friends did any of them either lol i dont know why they let lil old 17 year old me run their lives thinking back...but o well.
  13. 😞 its a new account, k? It just has awards from my credit card in it now. I'll put more in there one day. Lol
  14. I already got fucked over just for being extra blind ($8.00) so whats another 4
  15. Poon? I thought he wanted handjobs to be legal?
  16. You eat cock with that tea, sissy?
  17. Whys this country so afraid of sex, sawdy?
  18. Ok heres my badass glam peeper wear!
  19. LOL You're a professional asshole.
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