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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. poof lets gay marry
  2. Time to get married
  3. @That_One_Guyi dont get it. remind me never to go your standup
  4. the smelly incel that worked there (dude never showered, i posted here complaining about him) i think he is half retarded or something.. something wasnt going all the way to the top floor if you know what i mean. he was the only one that gave a shit about the credit card LOL i would laugh because each credit card only got an extra $1... the n the credit cards i sold i never saw the $1.. so he probably didnt even get it LOL
  5. customer: im checking on my withdrawal me: ok *puts on hold and checks* Ok you are trying to do a withdrawal on a whole life policy. YOu can only do a withdrawal on a universal life policy, sir. I would have to send you the correct form for that. customer: ive done a withdrawal on it before! me: thats not possible - it had to be something else... *looks over policy* i dont see you taking any money out of this policy, sir customer: i did it last month me: i dont see anyhing being done last month. do you have another policy. with us? him: no i dont. and i did pull money out last month!! me: theres nothing showing in here that i can see him: well get me someone who can see it!! im supposed to say that everyone has the same system but that just causes more back and forth so i never do this. i get him a supervisor who tells him the same thing and she takes over the call. i instant message her a few minutes asking her WTF .. lo and behold... the idiot DID have another policy!! how the hell can you forget having an a WHOLE nother account!!! moron!!
  6. they have ancient old biddies who follow every rule there i am calling them ancient because these women are in their 60s and worked at that kmart since they graduated college they do every single thing they are supposed to an extremely annoying degree i cant wait for them to try to push me to offer the Sears credit card again so i can laugh at there face while not doing it
  7. they didnt make me wait on a drug test again I CaNt WaIT To fORgeT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. for some reason i was looking up articles online about how pussy feels .. .testimonies from men... and generally speaking men preferred larger women over a size 10 because smaller women's vaginas feel "bony" to them
  9. the point is seeing if anyone already knew about it. not to google it.. but ok.
  10. Congrats. I never seen you look more handsome and happy! How beautiful you two are. MY HEART SWELLS!
  11. hes trying to get thru my 2 point verification and hes send the verifcation code in Russian. I c an screen shot this.. in a second.. and post it.. hold on
  12. Me: Madison, do you know where the glove compartment is in the car?Madison: You mean the one where you take out your tickets?😵 IM Dead! I died!
  13. like cleaning his bed for 8 hours.. that shit was weird LOL
  14. fuck you motherfucker fine i speak for myself bitch!!
  15. Hes trying to trigger you. Did you see his full body shot of his little boy body? Hes skin and bones. He definitely doesn't eat everyday and when he does eat its probably not very well at all.
  16. I once was hit by a car riding my bike. I have no recollection of it but apparently my whole body flew over the car and landed on the ground. I broke no bones, just scrapes. My dad would sue them and win $10,000 for me to get when I turned 18. This money would purchase my first car. My dad arranged my annuity payments and car payments. I got $200 a month until i was like 24 lol
  17. If so...tell me where u can get one
  18. Now this is the ghostrek we know and are weirded out by 🤗
  19. Ghostrek typing correctly and being funny. I cannot. This thread is pure evil.
  20. Russian hacker has been using my EA account i used when i did xbox tech support. Why?
  21. You know he probably only pretended to be excited to see me and makes "passionate cummies" with like 50 other women 🤣🤣
  22. I can "make cummies" with any guy
  23. I dont know whats wrong with me but the trailer was playing before joker and it made me bawl my eyes out. I just kept imagining me trying to get madison to Canada...it was too much. Not sure if i can watch the movie but it looks good!
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