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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Wow u are a good girl. Yes do that. 🤗🤗
  2. So i was pregnant and single at tmobile with no boyfriend and husband in sight. I never talked about myself (hard to believe huh) but people still made their assumptions. I got pregnant in feb right after my dad died and nervously interviewed with tmobile pregnant. At that time tmobile was considered one of the best jobs you could get in Charleston. They hired very few people. My died was gone, he left me money but it was dwindling and i had no money coming in. I hid i was pregnant and u couldn't tell at all cuz i stay chubby. So i was hired. I didnt want to disclose my condition but i was really sick and needed accomodations because i threw up a lot. So i told people i was preggie thinking theyd be happy...but they werent.. they were mean and jealous. This one lady happily proclaimed i was "likely to miscarry"...she said this to our pregnant trainer....who was just as pregnant as me and really upset her. Just to give you an idea how nasty people were. At this time id been seeing mh for two years. I was supposed to stop fucking him cuz i had placenta previa but i didnt. I finally had to stop seeing him tho cuz his fuckboi mind games didnt mix well with my pregnancy difficulties. Plus he refused to bring me food like all my other fuckbois..so fuck him, right? So i didnt have mh whose mere existence always had me smiling in people's faces while i got treated like shit...he was just a phone call away but he refused to talk to me..would just say "have you had your baby?had your baby yet?" Instead of having a convo So i was not getting any and sick all the time...and people being shit...i was hooorrrrible to EVERYONE LOL Then a possible baby daddy baby momma came to work at my job and spreaded rumors for some reason i let run rampant because i REALLY didnt want to talk to anyone. I wasnt going to get any pay during my maternity leave because i didnt work long enuff...so i took on the WORST possible schedule so i could get shift differential. That means i was a top performing rep working with mostly bottom performers. Shitty people who didnt care abt their work. At tmobile..they publish everyones stats...and boy this people scrunched up their faces at my out performing them consistently The following things they did to ME ..a pregnant girl 1. A young new ratchet girl joined our team. She was straight stupid. They poisoned her against me and since she was so stupid, these people knew they could get her to do dumb shit to attack me...things they were smart enough to do because they didnt want to lose their job. She was bad at it tho. Anything she tried to do to upset me i would turn back on her and make the one or two coworkers on that team that liked me laugh at her. They would move her to another team...not sure why...but shed go away. 2. My supervisor also didnt like me. He would try to write me up for bull. He accused me of somehow being a bad rep because i knew tech support level stuff i didnt bother teaching the team (like i knew how to unlock iphones and make them capabe of getting pic messages...back before tmo officially had iphones). One day he said i should have kept my legs closed. I would go to HR because of this. 3. A coworker during a group meeting would joke about taking me out back and shooting me. I would go to HR abt this but i didnt name any names. Hr would just make things worse. Then all shit went to hell when my baby came out white LOL Id go on maternity leave and come back. Another girl was pregnant and they had a baby shower for her...something i didnt even think to ask for...and they would openly say they purposely didnt want to spend any money on me or my kid. They behaved this way towards me without me even barely engaging them. I would move to a much better high performing team but my new supervisor knew all abt everything that happened on my previous team and he would blame me for all of it. Lesson learned: its impossible to be single, beautiful and pregnant around black people lol they act a damn fool. Like or downvote i dun care if u read all of this!
  3. Yup. Its putting a lot of great stuff up lately. Kind of sucked when i got it last year. The commercials were so bad i hardly ever watched it. Couldnt stomach it. But the commercials are much better and the content is awesome. I think its time to discuss canceling my tv with my mom...the only person in the house that still watches regular TV
  4. Im never leaving my house again except for food, work and sex
  5. Its true i promise. Make it extremely difficult for them to sleep with u..then they will propose...then just put out very little at the beginning have a couple of kids and completely refuse all sex and the man will stick around forever...decades...guarantee it.
  6. Madison tried to make friends with this little girl born with 3 fingers on one hand. Madison complimented the girl saying her hands were cool and the girl smiled. ❤🥰💕 thats exactly the kind of kid i want her to be...not some prissy bully. 😁😁 So happy right now!
  7. Men only marry prudes so its a good thing
  8. She draws her own fursona. .draws herself and all her friends as cats 😭
  9. Now u motherfuckers love red lobster?
  10. In my sleep like my dad
  11. No im not going lol He got the crew of girls that worship him back in his hometown and the hoes he fucked all over the world..probably wont be a seat in the house
  12. Not funny I was gonna keep track of him until he died then go to his funeral so all the white people could be like "who is that sexy black old woman over there bawling her eyes out?" LOL But then i realized thered be like 50 other hoes there and the whole idea lost its appeal.
  13. You kno i never saw him again after that lol
  14. I bought her a wolf mask...realistic one that moves when she talks for Halloween Shes wearing it right now just to wear it. 😳 How do u stop this 😭
  15. Is that what happened to him? Good. He calles me a slut once.
  16. Boy hush lol
  17. Lol That's my whole life
  18. Sorry but ive been getting hacked everywhere all week...paranoid asf lol
  19. !!!
  20. ! Whered u get that word! Whered u see it?! *freaks out*
  21. Dammit
  22. Kmart hiring
  23. Oooh shit this was scary! Scarier than all the other Annabelle movies!
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