so they put me off the cash register and put me on the floor.. thinking i would care or be upset and quit.
I BARELY have to talk to customers.. its great.
well this one manager, ive complained about her before and her mumbling.. i never seen this lady smile my entire first time being at kmart
but when she got to order me around on the floor.. BOY she was smiling big... thinking she was getting the best of me.. well this is what happened
she made me go back over the air fresheners like 3 times cuz i kept missing stuff and she kept adding stuff... i didnt really give a shit.. but i did want to do it right
so like the last time she had me go back and redo it, she tries to explain herself (for what reason i dont know)
manager: Im just trying to help you for your next job... (then she stops and thinks and remembers i only work nites) Do you have another job? whats your other job? (expecting me to say something like hotel cleaning lady or some other low level job)
me: Life insurance
her: oh... oh.. okay
she had an evil smile as we left that night telling us she was gonna basically make us do a bunch more bullshit the next day if she was working. i made sure to give her my happiest brightest smile on the way out. Thats why u aint gonna have no job in 3 months.. BITCH LOL