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Everything posted by MasqueradeOverture

  1. Out of the twin pregnant nun movies out, The First Omen (8.5/10) edges out Immaculate (7/10) imo. First Omen goes slightly harder on the shock value, imagery, and implications of Catholicism as an evil institution. no.
  2. I didn't feel shit but that's a Lexapro side effect.
  3. Earthquake in NJ, we got the Devil Comet appearing during the eclipse Monday, I'm watching a 35mm print of The First Omen tonight, see you in hell assholes!
  4. Last time I bought plane tickets was on my phone. That said, I can't use a laptop without plugging in a mouse.
  5. The asterisks gave it away. But also would massive amount of spacing. As well as what my calendar says.
  6. Not possible with Demarco being dead and everything. Unless Zaslav's into necrophilia. He totally would be.
  7. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/28/robert-f-kennedy-vice-president-nicole-shanahan-ivf-00149523 ... .... .......................
  8. ISIS has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible.
  9. Can the GW withstand a Shai-Hulud collision?
  10. Robotech 29 - 36 [Macross Saga end]
  11. My question is why the city didn't ever build fenders around the bridge's support beams? I feel like that's Harbor Engineering 101 (and a quick fix that should've been installed in the 80's after this happened).
  12. Robotech 19 - 28 That is, uh... certainly a death toll.
  13. Tenet's one hell of a movie, huh
  15. Yes and she is a baby.
  16. So without Robotech there'd be no Ren & Stimpy, eh? Interesting... Whelp I just checked both the Japanese & the ADV dub for that ep and looks like there was nothing noticeable edited out. Who care about the minutia when you can go out like a G playing the guitar? I've seen Do You Remember Love? before so at least I have that backing knowledge lol.
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