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Everything posted by CAC

  1. Yeah really he just another sayin anymore.
  2. I love when ets clean...idk about doing the actual cleaning though.
  3. Oh I've been up around there and further.
  4. Yup, but I enjoyed the show. Too bad you guys didn't.
  5. Et was an amazing ep
  6. Well I always wanted to believe he was still alive. But I'm pretty sure they just left it like that so they could bring it back like this when the money was right.
  7. Nope.
  8. If you don't count all the alts then yeah.
  9. Give me money.
  10. Not even close.
  11. I think for the worm thing they have now they should do some type of naming contest.
  12. We got a winner.
  13. I cant wait, I really liked CG.
  14. Well I'm looing forward to it you negative Nancy.
  15. Get ready for R3 guys. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-11-27/code-geass-gets-new-sequel-and-anime-compilation-film-trilogy/.109224
  16. Which ones? We live pretty much in the mountains....
  17. Sounds weird...
  18. Member when we could make quote chain threads to annoy peoples? I member.
  19. Because your ugly.
  20. Vegeta is meh, member
  21. I member. Member when people used to her there whole board families in there sigs?
  22. Yeah that's better for me anyways.
  23. You'd just rather him sit around naked....
  24. One of life's questions....
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