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Everything posted by CAC

  1. totz is
  2. Well then I just won't....
  3. c_C
  4. totz brah
  5. Are they adding anything new? Otherwise I hate when they do the movie compilation thing.
  6. kekz
  7. Neither does your face so.....
  8. <_<
  9. Yeah only sperm should be in her mouth.
  10. Great movie, but I'm poor.
  11. Just every once in a while its slow for me.
  12. But doing it that way would only get to one other person. You have to have each person adds a piece of the shotgun and then the last person sends it back to you so you can kill yourself.
  13. Take it too http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/videogames/
  14. won.
  15. Well I am a cat person.
  16. I don't think it's fine to whitewash but with GITS since she is a full prosthetic, meaning that she can change what she looks like, that the major doesn't have to be a Japanese actor. I think who they picked actually works very well. An example of the opposite happening, the live action FMA movie that the trailer was just released for is all Japanese actors when the show took place in Europe. I can completely understand why they did it, but if they wanted it closer to the actual story then they shouldn't have.
  17. Mine still looks fine.
  18. I Believe you could set it that way in your user setting yeah.
  19. On lithium all I ever had to do was click on the thread name and it took me to the newest unread post.
  20. They are running from your smell.
  21. I'm just gonna do some sleeping.
  22. Get with the times, jet plane fetish ftw.
  23. Hide in one of there luggage bags.
  24. I don't I've ever spent money at Taco Bell....
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