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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. I'm fine with ads. I get that they are sometimes necessary. I don't care for ones that pop up in the middle of the posts, but they're closeable so that's fine.
  2. The people who run this site have a right to add banner ads to help raise money to actually find this site for us. If you want to get rid of them then donate some money, but there is literally nothing wrong with them. Considering that this place is free and for our benefit, I can handle some ads.
  3. Attack on Titan S3 4 Yuri!!! On Ice 4
  4. Mob Psycho 100 4 The Rising of the Shield Hero 16
  5. Gintama 37 One Piece 645
  6. I might accidentally be caught up on AoT by that point. I just started the first half of season 3.
  7. Gintama 36 One Piece 644
  8. Attack on Titan S3 3 Dororo 15
  9. Mob Psycho 100 3 Yuri!!! On Ice 3
  10. Gintama 35 One Piece 643
  11. I love the character designs in this show!
  12. I'd say he speaks as someone who has also been reprimanded for what he believed was "consensual" behavior, but that would require actual human contact which he's obviously never had.
  13. lmao it could be on tape and you'd still be all "this doesn't prove anything"
  14. So I caught the first two episodes today and I love it. Tanjiro is such a good boy and Nezuko kicking the head off the demon is just perfect.
  15. Attack on Titan S3 1-2
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba 2 Mob Psycho 100 1-2
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba 1 Yuri!!! on Ice 1-2
  18. Attack on Titan S2 11-12 [END]
  19. Attack on Titan S2 9-10
  20. Dororo 14 Sarazanmai 2
  21. Welcome to the start of "wait... do I love Bakugo????" section of My Hero Academia.
  22. It's not like multiple sites haven't done coverage of what happened. Hell io9 even talked to him and he admitted they happened, but pulled the old "but I thought it was ok!" card. Get Vic's dick out of your mouth and actually use your goddamn brain instead of parroting back things you heard once in a YouTube video.
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