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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. So MgS decided to wake up. https://unevenedge.com/topic/55783-one-security-officer-talks-a-lot-about-ufos/
  2. He did a sleep study in the insomnia one? Brendan was doing Skunk Scout shit instead of selling The Wizard's Baker and they had a spaghetti dinner for the derby race. Oh man, the part where Brendan says he looks like a lunatic trying to exchange swords for groceries... so good.
  3. .......It's spaghetti time.
  4. I'm a Cheshire fucking cat. I understand unbirthdays.
  5. The worst thread trend I've seen as a Babbler.
  6. This may be the worst thread trend that ever happened.
  7. Lol I don't think I've ever seen you vent before. Not sleeping is rough. Huzzah alcoholism! Next stop death! Hopefully the memory between is hazy.
  8. As a finish for every one of those though. At least I would say so. Kinda noticed I do way too much mozz on my lasagna lately. It's fucking delicious but some have been a bit salty.
  9. Broiling is great for hot sandwiches, that's about all I use it on. I have used the broiler to make toast and rolls as well. I will say it's nice you can easily make broiled toast perfect.
  10. Agreed. Soft lights are preferable to me.
  11. Don't tell me what to do. I'll enjoy the fuck out of everyone just to spite you. I'll figure out how to enjoy Packard again in a little while, just you wait.
  12. So does your mother disapprove of your internet habits?
  13. I thought you may have some feelings about your mother to share, I have no idea what she may have had to do with Charlotte's Web.
  14. Is there anything you would like to say about your mother right now?
  15. Why aren't you gargling my balls instead of providing nothing of value to society?
  16. Are you sure it's not being prepared to be torn down with dynamite?
  17. He even admitted he often doesn't understand how words are used in sentences.
  18. I would criticize you for probably playing Skyrim again but I beat Shining in the Darkness for the fifth time a few weeks ago. But that game is like fifteen hours.
  19. That kid on the left is really sorry he's going to have to beat the ever-loving shit out of that child.
  20. If you weren't a racist idiot people wouldn't say you are one. One of those things you are capable of correcting. Also you just made up a lot of shit. Like some old man with dementia.
  21. Oh my, it wasn't even my birthday today.
  22. Mario is missing was like a less fun version of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. Is that what Where in Time was like? Never played that one.
  23. It was similar to Mario is Missing, which I also beat. I didn't beat this one.
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