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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. The results are more important than the objective!
  2. You guys could eat grasshoppers. Do you have any idea how many grasshoppers could fit into 100 gallons of aquarium space? 100 GALLONS OF GRASSHOPPERS!
  3. Yeah, I found out a sausage my parents tried to steer me from because it's delicious by telling me it's cow brains is actually cow brains. But it's still delicious.
  4. In the process of eating about 7 pickled polish sausages? Why the fuck did I order food and how much did I get?
  5. Consider this, I have zero concern over how long I stay alive or how I die. I recognize life as a consistent gamble and I behave in the way that makes me feel like a good person. But I am what I am and the more people I meet the more I am.
  6. Fuck the law, make anarchy your bitch anywhere you can!
  8. Well, check if your neighbors are okay with you having a shitload of chickens and share the wealth you can. CHANGE THE WORLD ONE MAN AT A TIME!
  9. Good to know you make effort in improving the world around you. When that lady cop touched my dick my mind was so bent on losing the car I didn't realize how out of procedure that was until the next day. Plus when her partner came at me with her fierce cop face after I said one thing to her it was like talking to any girl at a party. Except this girl had a lot of power over the next half hour of my life.
  10. I had a thought about chickens, I think you could effectively raise them for meat and not egg but it would take a couple years, I'm unaware of the chicken lifespan and maturity, but 30 chickens could possibly turn into your personal farm and unused byproducts could become a small profit or a neighborly gesture.
  11. Very true with all conditions named. You can hunt deer and get someone to make tons of jerky for you. You're in Wisconson, someone near you makes deer jerky. I think I left a pound of jerky at my sister's house and it is distressing me.
  12. Mine is hopping in a car. I delivered pizza for like seven years and it gets hectic, but efficient routes have room for a cig on the way back to the store usually. Drivers get calculating and we all love it because we get more business when we work efficiently. A pack and a half a day when a delivered at a place I worked only weekends but had a lot of outside stress. Now it's about 7 a day.
  13. If I'm gonna mess with Bender being a bot the first thing I think of is this.
  14. I spent two whole minutes looking for the clip of JP from Grandma's Boy saying I am a robot. That's how much I care about you people. Two minutes is a lot in internet time.
  15. I don't know, what sort of help do you think you could give me? I always value your input. If I seem like I need help perhaps I do.
  16. What kind of person does such a thing. It's just absurd. Who is like that?
  17. I enjoy talking about things in ways people have difficulty understanding because reading the room is so difficult for me.
  18. This is actually the best time to moan.
  19. They're both stimulants though, so that coffee buzz has gotta be able to step up to that crack buzz somehow. They could just drink six pots a day or something.
  20. Let me know when you are beaten savagely with baseball bats for no reason. That is the only time I will be interested in anything you did. And you really don't need to do anything other than sustain organ damage.
  21. "Hey I know you're addicted to crack, but just drink coffee instead. They're just stimulants." They deliver nicotine differently, so if you're at the point of smoking already why hang around smoking's ugly sisters.
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