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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. its my fault i was having an off day and never really had my regular bowel movement, so the universe decided to punish all. i'll take care to watch my diet going forward, sorry
  2. i tried to watch tekkonkinkreet like that once i had the exact opposite experience well now i suppose i have to watch this sometime, i'll add it to the overwhelming list
  3. cuz he got all the pussies?
  4. nu nu nuuuuu, thats now how this works
  5. wtf is that even supposed to mean, "1½"? i am so out of my element here -_'
  6. there was a show too? 0.o damn i miss a lot
  7. they are 11 and the other is 13 in less than a month Scream Queens, Adventure Time, or Bobs Burgers. otherwise its all about Overwatch and YouTube.
  8. Happy Birthday! i got you some...thing >.> it was last minute tho and this was the best i could capture, don't judge me! >.<
  9. there was more than one? 0.o wait... nvm, i don't even want to know
  10. wait... did i miss something in the lion king?
  11. hallelujah!!!!! thank sweet baby jebus Misaka <3
  12. caught that did ya? why you make so many work for me? -_'
  13. :D ahahahahahhaha! I think I just died a little That is exactly what that sound is.
  14. The thing about pizza is that even shitty pizza is still entirely edible.
  15. <3
  16. pics? >.> i've given one terrible haircut to a man because i put on the wrong guard while i was high >.<
  17. boo is pretty girl
  18. maybe he should walk it off? 0.o
  19. doesn't even matter, i have to listen to so many customer complaints and silly questions at work i would end up laughing in someones face inadvertently
  20. looks like jebus might have a touch of the greyscale
  21. i couldn't perform my work duties on edibles i would fuck it all up
  22. great now i want all the cookies
  23. Today is tacoooooo tuesday! Omnomnom
  24. If seriously asking, firfley24 If not, I am bearcat.
  25. i mean, think what you want but any issues i've address are based on complaint legitimacy under severely pared down basic human civilities, legality...or you know.... PUT THE DAMN PORN AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE IN SPOILER TAGS! lol, at the very least leave them be when we do it. otherwise, i have no problems with anyone in any folders, even though some seem to sometimes legitimately think i do... which i don't get but whateva. I totes love love love some of them and get many enjoyment out of their funnies, lewdness, or genuine conversation. Stilgar[/member] for example, since this is his thread, i love him and think he is great. i dumped his thread, told him why, he understood with no beefs. it was legit. so like, i don't get all the super extra hate. i don't fuck with people for the sake of doing so because its a waste of brain and emotion juice. i wager that is probably why i am a mod to begin with. i'm on enough between my real lifes stuffs and i am not as biased as ya'll would like to assume, based on these kinds of posts. at the same time though, thats all i'm gonna say about that. people will believe what they want to of others regardless and i am inclined to not argue it... because brain and emotion juice. i won't have mine sucked dry over paltry issues. that being said, and i'm likely the only one, but i'm happy everyone is in one folder again. hahaha > <3
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