Ewwwwww. That sucks, I live an equal distance from two SOS offices, so I get my pick and the one never has a wait. But then again, I also renew my license and plates through online as mich as humanly possible.
I admittedly give out a lot of karma. Especially when for some reason the likes under comments was gone for a couple days. I subbed using that. Idk. Its just a random thing.
Oh you did it!? Ha! Sorry I am very slow sometimes and pain/other crap has me all gedhe hi hsbveghd, ya know?
Thanks though! I wish I permanently freeze it there. 5ever.
hahaha, I wouldn't have even noticed that karma number if you didn't say anything.
How do you even change that? Do you have to literally hit it that maNy times?
Did you do that viper?