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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. holy manipulative hell batman!
  2. book to the face?
  3. kitty cat
  4. Lets keep the drunken juror topics down to one, okay?
  5. This topic has been moved to Dumpster Fires. [iurl]http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?topic=3107.0[/iurl]
  6. do you need weatherproof shoes for work? 0.o
  7. double the trouble?
  8. i know i also know complete pieces of shit who should not ever speak to me but hey, don't we all?
  9. is this how Groots are made?
  10. i think they all know better than that waste of time
  11. yes?
  12. on the topic of things getting lost in the hooha and push it real good you wanna hear a kinda nasty story that happened to my girlfriend a few years ago? i'll let you decide
  13. well great, now i want to search it too >.> but seriously, about this bullet falling into the vag thing, am i the only person who thinks this chick was maybe spinning stories? maybe? or do you think its possible?
  14. isn't it! the lyrics man, so fucking good. A Report to the Shareholders / Kill Your Masters is probably one of my favorites on the album
  15. did you check it out yet? its in my regular rotation now.
  16. i loved Boardwalk Empire and so far it is still better but this one is good too.... just not as good of a show. i like it because even though there are power plays and money, its not as extravagant as boardwalk empire... from where i'm at anyway. i have no idea where the story goes >.> its also has a much more depressing and grimy type feel to it, which i appreciate as well. cillian murphy gives me the heebjeebs but i still really like him.
  17. i know that feeling all too well i have a ton of shows to finish and up on standby... and yet, at the end of the night, when i do decide to watch something, i still just pick something new and random thats not on the list. it will probably take me a year to finish this show. i'll go hard for about a week and then slow way down.
  18. i was seriously going to but my browser scared the shit out of me the second i searched "gaping vagina" some things cannot be unseen :( :(
  19. let the funk into you
  20. idk, take your own temperature i'm not a nurse
  21. i'm not as well versed in 2d as 3d do you really need the reference though... like, do you really wanna go there?
  22. SHOE THREAD! dangerous cuz i love my shoes i like those, and now i feel like i must find myself a pair >.< the last pair of shoes i bought were for new years eve and so they are kinda boring, just some pumps. i still liked them though because i could walk in them and my legs looked great!
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