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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. can't say for sure cuz i wasn't there... but probably not right? i mean, how many time do you have a sex dream where you actually reach completion? isn't that pretty rare? i usually just keep climbing the ladder trying to get to that space, but rarely do i reach it.
  2. owo i mean..... yes?
  3. thats the right thing to do. unfortunately, he didn't give you enough information to help support his claim, so why should you feel comfortable taking his advice? what it all boils down to is this, if you feel like its not right, its always important to seek another opinion. whether or not he is right in the end, it never hurts and you'll never feel good about it until you know for sure. i've been poopoo'd by doctors for multiple things that wound up actually being something once i sought out someone else.
  4. ohhhh, i never had the holes one, that seems creepy af. the only other strange mouth type dream i've had was where i was eating watermelon... but about halfway through, i realized something seemed strange. the watermelon looked normal but i was pulling these pieces of long brown and white fur out that were stuck to and between muh teefs. twas gross.
  5. yuuuup, except never hair. always my teeth crumbling apart in a seemingly endless fashion. or sometimes chewing on glass and then panicking because i know i need to spit it out before i end up swallowing the glass -_'
  6. that sux, I didn't actually believe that when I asked. I did both of those things once. Couldn't hang tho cuz I wanted to strangle people at the bar. Too many rich dudes traveling through the hotel were creepy touchy douche bags. I wouldn't put stock into those dreams though. Part of them may be triggered by recent occurrences or stress but by and large its just random thoughts and memories. We try to make sense of them by remembering them as stories but its all a warped mind trick. There really isn't a reason to rationalize them with meaning. Thats just my opinion tho based on some of the stuff ive read and learned.
  7. Literal food poisoning? 0.o
  8. Well good, it not just my foggy sleep brain. Why not hit a decent restaurant and leave the waitress a good tip. Two birds one stone?
  9. Thats supposed to mean something... but I haven't the slightest.... so now I'm just assuming you gonna holler at a mcd's manager.
  10. I try to not attribute any meaning to dreams because even when they seems so clear, I think our memories upon waking up are inaccurate anyways. But you should probably still stick it in something if its been long enough that you're considering it a problem.
  11. wherever you are, keep that shit there cuz its finally been decent here
  12. sure, rub it in....
  13. even Xavier couldn't help that mutant -_' >
  14. you're a glob damn genius
  15. see, there are definitely bearcats... but an owlcat? you sellin me lies, son?
  16. i have rabies
  17. once upon a time, my answer to the question "if you could go back in time and meet one person, who would it be?" was hands down, no question, bruce lee. bowies death makes that a very hard question now.
  18. hey, i flipped a coin heads says buck, tails says fuck odds said you wanna make them ducats.... sure, its a faulty system, but aren't we all?
  19. you go sit in your tower!
  20. i'd give it a shot! but this just makes me want venison jerky... or maybe some medallions with some red taters and green beans
  21. meowl?
  22. ... you bad <3
  23. no pimp required i got this
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