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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. Again with the teeth here! > I would eat a nanner in any fashion imaginable if it wouldn't kill my tumtum. That is odd tho.
  2. I think you're hiding something truly shameful, out with it I say!
  3. Is it just pizza or all greasy and messy food? Also, whats with this trend of ppl not caring about their teeth?
  4. Not anymore. Care to share with the class?
  5. My ex did that. Do you tend to drink more fluids than most and at a faster rate?
  6. I've seen people put fries on their burgers and also dip them instead of dressing them but never both at the same time.
  7. Not taking care of your teefs is bad news. I hope you've changed those habits.
  8. thats an older sisters expertise do you slob food everywhere when you eat and talk with a mouth gaping full of food while you do? cuz if not, i'd say you're good
  9. like i have seen people cut their spaghetti noodles into little two inch bits, or cut up their sammiches. i eat candy kind of strangely. most chocolates i just suck on until they have dissolved in my mouth. or mini snickers (can't finish a whole one), i'll eat the chocolate off the sides and top, then bite off the caramel and nuts, and last but best, eat the nougat. i do this sort of thing with nearly all candies. never been a gobble it all down type. you do anything weird like this?
  10. however you want emoticons/emojis are basically just arbitrary punctuation anyway
  11. those do look very tasty, i might just have to order some but i'll have to wait until my current stash is nearly gone. i don't have the biggest sweet tooth in the world so it can take me a month or more to kill off a box of chocolate.
  12. .... how small are we talking here?
  13. i dunno, i never understood it -_'
  14. ::spin:: you hacked the matrix then?
  15. nah, i'm used to it now you were about passed due to make one hi jenewbee
  16. closest i could get now just imagine one side bashed up from multiple snow plow hit and runs. am taking donations for new vehicle. any bit helps.
  17. if thats the case, the least they could do is give me pointers for how to put on a better show i'm sure the camera work and lighting aren't the best
  18. none. i used to sometimes post in the MAL forum, various music forums, and some anime convention forums for those i've attended. they all move wayyyyyyyy toooooo slllooooowwww though and seem to have little to no connection between users with the exception of con forums. so now its just with you guys and gals.
  19. hmmm, idk. its maybe unfortunate that her privacy was violated.... buuuuuut that happens to regular folks as is, so i suppose you should just expect the chances of it happening as a public figure of any sort. i mean, most of us do this now as it is, so i hope she just takes these things in stride and without any amount of shame. also, i don't find anything creepy about it. she is an adult. a beautiful adult with a nice body. they don't seem to turn me on in any way, probably because my brain may have some auto "no fapping inspired" mode when it comes to her, due to watching her as a child. however, i can certainly rationally appreciate them as another adult woman who enjoys doing similar things and likes beautiful sexy imagery.
  20. we're all poof
  21. Its not about who we are but what we are.
  22. sounds about right >
  23. a never ending supply of penis with no place to store them?
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