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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. if i ran from mom, i got punished by dad. mom might use her hand or a kitchen utensil like a spoon or spatula... but if it got to dad, it was a leather belt. i think worse than that was kneeling facing the wall. we had hardwood floors so that shit was turrible. yeah that too, basically anything your hands can get hold of. i just remember my mom getting really frustrated about walls and door frames.
  2. 1 but only if it is stale 0 otherwise
  3. its currently 9:16pm 34 and misty
  4. you know what else is a crime against childhood? helicopter parenting but no one is doing anything about that either
  5. man, if i would have ran the punishment would have been much worse does she spiderman grip onto bare walls if you try to put her in a room too? that was my thing. i took my licks with few tears or tantrum but i would not let them seclude me into a room.
  6. why? there is nothing in here that would even warrant that
  7. SPECIAL DELIVERY FOR MISAKA! did my rain/snow/fog weather finally reach you?
  8. not if you came at me lookin like that! ::: 1. whats the most awkward situation you've found yourself in? 2. have you ever been arrested/what for? 3. if saving the life of the person you care for most meant giving up ever having another orgasm, would you? 4. what is something you hate but have no rational reason as to why? 5. what was the first r rated film you ever watched?
  9. the worst part about you harassing these girls is that you do it just so you can make these threads here what the hell happened in your life zeni? ...or were you simply born with a chemical imbalance thats gone untreated for far too long? plz seek help i do there is nothing wrong with that, i promise
  10. my post, or your set of emoji?
  11. i'm going to have to try thins top down thing with food meow. seems to be a few people who find in pleasant, so there must be something about it that i am missing seems we're of the same in sucking on candies people traditionally chew through. i dunno, seems better to savor the flavor and i've noticed i eat much less of it in one sitting because i do that. chips on sammiches is the shit! never tried it with any kind of fish sammich though... i wonder why 0.o
  12. do you have problems breathing through your nose or something? 0.o
  13. what about mixed veggies or fruit? or is it just a candy thing? of all the things, this is really quite odd, or obsessive. either way, i like it
  14. similar. i do a two quart jug at work. it's too damn dry there and i end up confusing dehydration for hunger if i do not.
  15. never really considered this but it makes sense. this is how it usually goes with fam and its a lovely time. with friends though, seems more the opposite. and then there always tends to be phones out in that situation. because maybe some other people are trying to coordinate about the event but aren't joining for a meal. that sours the whole thing for me. i'm a "put your phone away" kind of meal person. unless something is an emergency, there is nothing so important that you can't take some time to enjoy a nice meal in the company of those you are with.
  16. do people ever notice? i tend to take two bites of each until i am full or have cleared my plate. i do that because i never know how much i can eat in one sitting. sometimes i can out eat the hungriest man in the room but usually, because i am an all day grazer, i can't always finish a full meal at once. since i want to taste everything, i tend to eat each a couple bites at a time.
  17. i did crystal light for a long time after i cut out soda but after a few years there was something about it that started to gag me. it was like the middle step to drinking more water, and now that is just what i drink for the most part. do you plan on continuing to monitor food and beverage intake like this once you've reached your weight loss goal?
  18. yessss, love this. i eat asiago bagel sammiches like that! i want that extra asiago on top to be the first thing that touches my tongue.
  19. BUT SCOOB!... its so trendy to let everything under the sun offend you and suck the joy out of life...
  20. already saw it. made the dire mistake of looking at my fb news feed for the first time in about 6 months or more. well, at least some of the complainers are Irish, the rest weren't... so you know, same ol same ol. it isn't that i disagree but some people go a little far. for instance, its my day off and i work the rest of the weekend. i would like to have drinks with friends this evening if i can. BONUS, two of my favorite Michigan Irish punk bands, The Waxies and The Tosspints are playing at my favorite brewery. SO YAY! I'm gonna go have a few good brews and listen to good music.... but no one to really go with yet because too many of my friends are boycotting going out for drinks today because of the "bastardization" of St. Pattys in America. its one thing to not buy into or reject gimmicks that you believe are offensive but some people are just extreme about it.
  21. Too many variables ::spin::
  22. It took my dad until his 50's to break that habit. He was the 5th to last child if 17... I think... maybe it's 18, I forget. Anyways, those hurry and eat when you can mentality seems hard to break for a lot of people. I eat really fast too but I think its more a result of not chewing thoroughly before swallowing. Im certain I will choke to death.
  23. Why such a strict diet right now? I don't ever count calories or anything like that, I'm sure I should tho. It will probably come back to bite me in my ass at some point.
  24. Welp... I'm certainly happy I finished my dinner first >.<
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