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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. MEXobiologist


    You've seen hers plenty already tho And we all already know that isn't gonna happen from me
  2. MEXobiologist


  3. watch a lot of real couples porn and use your imagination
  4. MEXobiologist


    yo, why does it happen that sometimes when i post, it like auto inserts font html out of nowhere and i have to edit my post?
  5. MEXobiologist


    lol, well maybe but its true facts yo. the only thing i knew about aching tits was associated with being preggers. i went through a few years of this and the first time it happened i freaked out. thankfully that passed tho, my tatas and nips are sensitive enough as it is. being a lady is fucking weird.
  6. MEXobiologist


    as a very young child my best friend for many years and i bathed together frequently. it was super weird and we didn't understand then why her nipples and mine were so different because hers were innies. it was a really strange conversation to have with my mother. last time we ran into each other this subject came up and she admitted that it changed as she got older but one nipple remains an innie.
  7. MEXobiologist


    as women age, nipple soreness... or sometimes breasts in general, is nothing to initially panic about. it most often is a sign of your monthly cycle do to changes in estrogen and progesterone, not pregnancy or something worse. if your cycle comes and goes but your nipples still feel sore, see your family physician for consultation.
  8. thats great, i love it! <3 i just love the artwork of little ones. i love art in general but kids tend to not be so pretentious when it comes to their art and i find that so very very refreshing.
  9. generally speaking, yes. unless the guy is a functioning alcoholic that miraculously doesn't have the scent of nasty old booze seeping through his pores. then it is admittedly sometimes hard to tell.
  10. eh, too many messes to clean up
  11. you're excused
  12. i love to stuff my own butt... if that counts >.>
  13. have you told her that? this is actually quite common for females to do. they generally don't realize it until told or accidentally figuring it out when they break from frustration and just go for it. the thing is though, once you start taking it upon yourself to go in for the kill when you're feeling hungry, you'll find yourself highly satisfied after the meal. like, well in my experiences anyways, you guys really do enjoy that immensely and it can change the whole tone of sex between a couple. males feel more wanted and react more passionately, females feel empowered by the reaction it elicits. errbody is more horny when both parties feel wanted regularly.
  14. a video review of something to do with star trek?
  15. yes, well, i behaved in immature irrational ways in my late teens/early twenties... which had me making poor decisions and being relatively depressed. i would have deserved it. or maybe i am blowing it out of proportion. idk. its all from my own perspective but i just look at that chunk of life like wasted time.
  16. i'd choke a 21 year old me fucking twat
  17. i don't find enjoyment out of delivering pain. accidental or otherwise.
  18. oh, i know it. to me, the only dominant sexy to be had is extended to face sitting... maybe some horny aggressiveness in initiating smexy stuffs and riding. beyond that, i pretty much find it a turn off to be the dominant one. even just being the one who is more frequently aggressively passionate in bed gets old and frustrating really fucking quick. lol, so no, no pegging, no cock cages, no ball smacking, not into it >
  19. i dunno, i am pretty sure its all dead and gone but maybe not, maybe someone who lives in the internet knows some secret i do not i've been wrong about less
  20. dude! i'm not into that sorta play. its way too dominant for my tastes.
  21. like... archive wise? thats pretty dead and gone.
  22. because she is the kind of female who can put a cock in a cage, then smacks the balls with nearly no expression while doing so
  23. with this dry ass winter we had, you basically have to
  24. someone needs to drink more water
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