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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. i knew i could count on you :D :D
  2. But will I die?
  3. You first!
  4. It matters not. Now have you a cheesy joke for me? I know you do.
  5. Whew! I thought it was gonna be a lot harder to pull my prank off. Happy there are such eager volunteers.
  6. Inorite? Seems fishy to me too.
  7. Break you? I just wanted to play with my food a little first.
  8. <3 ... silly banana hasn't met taco yet.
  9. Awwww You shouldn't laugh.... Miscarriages are serious business. I'm sorry for your loss <3
  10. No whey. You're being dramatic. I'm taking a bubble bath... not a bloody bath. I told you I was over the human sacrifice stage already.
  11. Or smoke a joint. Idk. Both are tits. Fridays are great. Know any cheesy jokes? ... Also, wtf happened to my sn?
  12. I won't. Maybe. April fools, mom.
  13. Get pregnant
  14. Best drunk? ::spin:: -_' Seriously, doooo iiiiiiit. Do you know any cheesy jokes? or this be a cheesy joke AND cat gif thread. You decide what this thread is. Aaaaand go. .... Meow.
  15. You couldn't pay me to eat arena food. I worked in one and eeeewwww. Also, I don't think I meet the weight limit allowed to consume that many calories.
  16. Like... in every thread all week long? ::spin::
  17. You just wanna watch me jump like a lil bitch every time a puck cracks against the glass?
  18. I'm boring every week. So its all on you fuggs.
  19. Lies. Lies and slander.
  20. Oh shit. Well man, congratulations, I hope you have a long future together. Remember, your wedding isn't a success unless there is at least one fight.
  21. My brothers are not like that at all. Protective, I mean. Like one time when I was in my twenties, I was making out with my lil brothers friend, (he is just about my age tho,) and the next thing I knew, I was being dragged away by my ponytail. I got an earful and that was the end of that. Lol. Otherwise, they just mind their own. My sister has a lot of opinions and gets loud mouthed when he hears stuff from guys about or toward me that she doesn't like. Its mostly just dumb stuff that she blows out of proportion tho.
  22. us getting hammed at the brewery in january
  23. thanks! lol, i think most siblings are like that. even though i love mine and think they're pretty awesome people, they still can get on my nerves from time to time because we all have our shitty quirks. or like, its the little things that make you question. for instance, i know that if my sister is recommending a movie to me, there is only about a 3% chance i will like it >
  24. Don't you hate that shit? It's always the responsibility of whomever found it, was told by a customer, or was closest. Shit grinds my gears.
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