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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. Then there's that time Minoru Suzuki made a guest appearance in One Piece. (The hulking male commentator)
  2. Seriously? Have you not seen the SAO threads? They're chalk full of opinions like mine and elfie's and they didn't disrupt anyone's experience at all.
  3. No it's not. We're not directly pointing out future events. We're simply giving our opinions on the matter.
  4. No dude. I'm with you. You shouldn't have gotten a scolding in the first place.
  5. That was the thunder lance that Levi had stuck in Zeke in case he tried to escape.
  6. I'm not sure about this one. I don't see any sources from CR or WWE themselves.
  7. It's a 2 cour season. Pretty common for anime nowadays.
  8. And here we have this anime season's controversial show which involves the MC being ruthlessly teased by his underclasswoman to the point where it seems like it's straight out bullying. Some think the antics are too harsh while some thing it's just harmless teasing. What do y'all think?
  9. In the same way Sonic should take off his shoes because the friction created by him running so fast would make them explode.
  10. It should be noted that we get some of the best facial expressions in this series from Eizan.
  11. Round 3. Let's see if either one of them learned their lessons from the last two times they fought.
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