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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. So it's Jet Li's The One, except it's CGI.
  2. Compare this to the CGI of the most recent GitS series and you'll notice a world of difference.
  3. Attack on Titan and Dragonball Super are being pushed back 15 minutes tomorrow night so DeMarco can air some kind of special program. Wonder what it is.
  4. Kinda weird for Black Clover to take a two week break only a few episodes into the timeskip, but okay.
  5. So it's The Animatrix but with Star Wars I can get behind this.
  6. Here's a rundown of the roles she did as far as shows that aired on Toonami are concerned. Bleach: Hayame, Chizuru Honsho, Waineton Blue Exorcist: Shiemi's Grandmother, Young Ryuji Suguro Bobobo: Beauty Demon Slayer: Rokuta Dragon Ball Super: Gotenks, Kid Goku (Flashback) Eureka Seven: Tiptory Stardust Crusaders: Suzy Q Kill la Kill: Mantaro (She's credited as Lindsey Eaton here for some reason) Iron Blooded Orphans: Sakura Pretzel Samurai Champloo: Budokiba SD Gundam: Mayor Margaret Gathermoon, Noah Zatch Bell: Lori
  7. Damnit. She had so many great roles too. Most notably for Toonami, Beauty and Suzy Q.
  8. I'm still on the fence whether or not this will work as an anime since the story as depicted in the manga became very disjointed at times. The trailer does look great though.
  9. And now we go from one show that failed to live up to the legacy of its predecessor to...
  10. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-25/columbia-pictures-orders-film-script-of-made-in-abyss-manga/.174460 Nope. Absolutely not. There are many, MANY reasons why this should never see the light of day.
  11. Maybe she watched a lot of Sailor Moon as a child.
  12. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-21/final-fantasy-ix-game-to-get-animated-series/.174255 On the one hand, the art style for the game has that kids show look. On the other hand, Final Fantasy stories have always been a bit dark, so it will be interesting to see how this pans out.
  13. They blew all their budget on the character entrances.
  14. Once again, like with last week's episode, there's no credited screenwriter.
  15. Wanna know how bad these last two episodes are? There's no credited screenplay writer. Basically, they didn't want their name attached to it.
  16. Remember when Grace Field used to be a place of intrigue and mystery, who's walls held dark secrets within and was like an almost impossible to escape maze? Now? Just infiltrate it with some random ass air balloons that the kids happen to find without any explanation.
  17. Owl still hasn't changed the title of the episode I see.
  18. For someone who's not involved in any way, DeMarco seems to be tweeting an awful lot about it...
  19. Why can't the Wachowshki's just do it? They got the fight choreography down in The Matrix films and Speed Racer was a success. It's a perfect fit.
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