For those of you who don't know (because I didn't until 30 minutes ago) Dan Nainan is a very successful comedian with a net worth of 3 million dollars. He frequently performs in front of thousands of people and gets to ride private jets and shit. I listened to 8 minutes of his material and I gotta say it was fairly decent. Some of it was hacky, but it isn't terrible. He isn't my type, but he kills the crowds he performs for. This is strange for a few reasons:
1. He says he's in his 30s when he's almost 60
2. He somehow completely skipped paying his dues (working the road, hosting shitty bar shows, working to get in clubs etc). I can't understand how he was able to do this.
3. He is resented by the rest of the comic world for various reasons. Mostly because he sends harassing emails calling them losers and gloating about his wealth
I'm not sure how this makes me feel. Part of me feels cheated. I like to think of comedy as this impenetrable fortress immune to charlatanism. Like you can't just blow up. You have to pay those dues. But seeing a guy with average material who's also hated unanimously by other comedians amass so much success and wealth makes me question everything. I watch people at open mics who are better than him who can't even get a guest set at a club. But here he is getting 12k a gig to perform in front of 4000+ people. This shit is confusing. Illuminati confirmed.