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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Well there are youtube videos of him doing sold out shows in theaters so unfortunately its legit
  2. Lol his parents are actually very successful/rich
  3. For those of you who don't know (because I didn't until 30 minutes ago) Dan Nainan is a very successful comedian with a net worth of 3 million dollars. He frequently performs in front of thousands of people and gets to ride private jets and shit. I listened to 8 minutes of his material and I gotta say it was fairly decent. Some of it was hacky, but it isn't terrible. He isn't my type, but he kills the crowds he performs for. This is strange for a few reasons: 1. He says he's in his 30s when he's almost 60 2. He somehow completely skipped paying his dues (working the road, hosting shitty bar shows, working to get in clubs etc). I can't understand how he was able to do this. 3. He is resented by the rest of the comic world for various reasons. Mostly because he sends harassing emails calling them losers and gloating about his wealth I'm not sure how this makes me feel. Part of me feels cheated. I like to think of comedy as this impenetrable fortress immune to charlatanism. Like you can't just blow up. You have to pay those dues. But seeing a guy with average material who's also hated unanimously by other comedians amass so much success and wealth makes me question everything. I watch people at open mics who are better than him who can't even get a guest set at a club. But here he is getting 12k a gig to perform in front of 4000+ people. This shit is confusing. Illuminati confirmed.
  4. I can't drink coffee. Gives me a headache and da shits
  5. Shits dead but ya know...uh idk i might go outside
  6. Eat shit write a shitty joke sleep #onedaycloser
  7. Be careful man. You could have gotten hurt.
  8. That's very thought provoking. Thank you.
  9. I need something that can be measured by scientific standards
  10. love? thats not something thats real in a physical sense
  11. I'm looking for something a little more objective that isn't meds.
  12. besides getting laid? Because that shit is so cliche
  13. Everything works! Btw y'all muh fuckas saying I should get an emulator or use steam.....fucks wrong with y'all? I'm a collector son. Fuck dumb shit. I don't have a phone.... my life is ass kill me.
  14. Nah bro I mean new as in a copy that isn't this one lol. New it would probably cost $1,000 easy
  15. I didn't get a chance to look at it before I bought it. Tried cleaning it and even cleaning parts of the Gamecube. I'm returning this shit asap and getting a new copy elsewhere. I will have wind waker god damnit
  16. Get that weak shit outta here.
  17. This made me smile. Which I need because I'm pissed.
  18. K so wind waker doesn't work. Gotta say I'm decently pissed. I payed $50 for it. And this isn't the first time this has happened with this particular store. Incompetent fucks.
  19. Ended up getting Bomberman Hero. I thought that was all they had. Then on my way out I saw Diddy Kong Racing in a fucking display case up front. Fucking balls. Conker was my first choice tbh, but I'm pretty happy with what I got. Picked up wind waker too
  20. I don't like fighting games. I want something with a story
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