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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I want this and Pepsi man lol
  2. YA CAN'T! Thread over bitch.
  3. Everyone on the internet was apparently lol
  4. Also I find it sketchy as fuck that a convicted terrorist wants to jump through hoops to come visit my country. Any info you have on this creep would be awesome.
  5. @Vodkajellyshot come on back my dude. Lol you can't just say you're friends with a convicted terrorist and walk away. You got some splainin to do. If it's somebody you made up it'd probably be best to fess up to it now.
  6. But by the time I get to world 8 I'm just fuckin done lol
  7. We were. That shit was fucking asinine. They propped up the Rams to win the superbowl and they still got fucking beat
  8. Fuck your team bitch! Go Saints and Roll Tide! Suck my dick you fucking haters! I hate you all!
  9. Nvm I rode that. It's pretty damn fun
  10. Dude, you are REALLY cool
  11. Why are you mates with a convicted terrorist?
  12. never do cuz
  13. So I was having sex with a super hot girl (something I do all the time) in my king size bed which is in my house that is completely payed for. And I noticed the hands of my REAL ROLEX WATCH weren't moving. Lulz my watch dont work. Anyone else have this problem lol #allthisactuallyhappened #thisisreal #idonthatemyself #helpme
  14. Yeah he actually thought he'd get away with it. Fucking loser.
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