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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Still can't believe it happened and I want to spend all my prize money on N64 games lol
  2. Also I'm at my mom's. If I take a pic of tongue she will wtf
  3. Are you like a palm reader?
  4. Dafuq does that mean?
  5. i have no idea what hands I have
  6. I've been told I have nice hands. Which I find weird
  7. Damn bro y'all some hand festishists. I probably mispelled that shit
  8. The deadite hand was adorbs
  9. Dude...he just friended me on fb
  10. I will protest lol I'll fucking make pick it signs. This dude is the worst you can get. But I know you're right. I mean Dane Cook
  11. I won't actually quit if he makes it but if he does I'll lose all faith in humanity
  12. If he so much as books a bar show I fucking quit lol
  13. You're goofy af for that but seriously that sounds fun. I'd probably find you funny. I enjoy all types of comedians. But honestly hood humor cracks me tf up.
  14. That would definitely work in some rooms. Hipsters wouldn't fuck with it tho. I think it's hilarious. Lol good shit man
  15. New military hottie for ya
  16. You've given me material?
  17. #FACTS!!!!! I noticed he stays out of there haha
  18. you sure? Sometimes i feel like y'all give him the reactions he wants
  19. lol i can ask him but if he comes on here I'm almost sure he'll get banned lol
  20. LOL thats actually not a bad idea. He'd be another troll here tho. If yall cant handle Zeni you CANT handle this guy
  21. You MUST watch that trainwreck at some point. And I like to think I'm pretty nice
  22. Sorry to disappoint you
  23. Lmao calm your alleged tits
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