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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Such a tough choice
  2. I fucking hate you X-D
  3. Facts. It's definitely overrated
  4. It feels great. It's the most I've ever made performing
  5. it was only $300 lol
  6. doesn't....also Blast Corps. Amazing game
  7. I too have a PS1. And I agree that it's better. Doesn't mean the N64 sucks mate
  8. you're just bitter af.
  9. Bomberman Hero, Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Mario 64, Majoras Mask, and Conkers bad fur day are just a few reasons why that statement is fraudulent.
  10. that thing is a chubby cutie
  11. Are you kidding? You're a main character, mate.
  12. Lol they actually made this shit hard. Tbh idk how dude on the right places second but whatevs
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