Its basically super mario 2 with different characters. Also I think it forces you to use certain characters for certain levels. You don't always get to choose.
Mario was originally called jump man in donkey Kong and was the antagonist in donkey Kong Jr. The American version of super mario bros 2 is actually a reskin of another game called doki doki panic. This was done because a tester determined that the actual sequel to the original mario bros would be far too difficult for American audiances. Super mario 64 was actually supposed to be two player, but the idea was abandoned due to memory limitations of the n64. There was a weird fever dream super mario bros cartoon that was on TV for a while. I actually enjoy it somewhat. In the pamphlet for the first super mario bros game it says all the citizens of the mushroom kingdom were turned into blocks. So basically when you break a block as mario, you've just killed someone.
Bro you'd be surprised how easily a comedian can be ignored. Lol I do get a lot of shit gigs but I'll take any gig because I love to perform BUT I might finally get a gig at the Pittsburgh Improv. A dude with connections put me on a show. He says if I do good he'll vouch for me. I hope I make it to. That'd be tits.
I mean we also had bars on the windows, heard gunshots on a daily, had students that sold work, had fights everyday, and had teachers quit on a regular. I just didn't mention any of that