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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I never get that I'm staying for a week
  2. Imma get a free room too 😎
  3. I could have i think. One of them kept calling me handsome. I just didn't go for it. Might try.
  4. If you come that would be cool. If not I totally understand bro
  5. Wow dude your friend is something else lol. Like holy shit that story you just told me is almost unbelievable. I've never seen him before obviously but it doesn't sound like comedy is for him lol. Vets will tell you you need to perform sober especially when you're just starting out. I do wish him all the best, but holy fuck should he try something else lol. Congrats to you for killing it by the way. As far as the improv is concerned, I've competed in the tournaments, but I've never been booked there. Signing up for the tournaments is easy enough, but when it comes to getting put on the showcase or opening for someone, it's all about who you know. It was even harder before management changed. If you didn't come in first place in a tournament and you couldn't bring 10 people to see you every time, forget ever getting booked there. Now that management has changed it's slightly easier, but I'm not cool enough with the right people I guess. It's not a matter of whether or not I'm funny enough. They have booked some pretty ass comics for the showcase since management changed (because aforementioned comics were cool with the dudes that throw the showcase). I'm pretty sure my time is coming soon.It's just gonna come later than others. Either way it doesn't matter. The longer they go without booking me the harder I'll grind. Just sucks that Pittsburgh is a shitty city for comedy. It has one club with limited opportunities for locals. Other cities have multiple clubs with a large variety of ways you can get on.
  6. It's actually a very nice bed and breakfast owned by these two hot older ladies. Honestly it's probably out of my price range lol
  7. I mean usually the owners have a giant cooler full of different shit but people are encouraged to bring their own stuff as well
  8. It is. Shit happens tho #catsbefuckin
  9. Sadly no. Actually the usual host was performing there. I'm still trying to get on there. Eventually I will. That's a "who you know" gig
  10. Nobody but I did have like 21 comics so I was busy af
  11. Trust me I noticed lol. Cleveland just seemed like more fun overall. Maybe that's why they always talk shit about Cleveland here
  12. Because I'm a person of color and I've experienced it firsthand.
  13. Exactly lol Pittsburgh is garbage and it doesn't have a basketball team
  14. Lol you haven't dealt with yinzers I see
  15. And racist. It's crazy because a lot of the people here act like they aren't but Pittsburgh is like openly racist lol. I was in Cleveland for like an hour today and I could tell I'd enjoy it way more.
  16. There's so much more diversity and the people there are nicer to me. Ohio in general is nicer to me than Pittsburgh. Not moving there tho
  17. Not tonight. Just two plus hours of sub par dick jokes
  18. Ooohhhhh they were tight lol they didn't want to give me a god damn thing. Warming them up was a mother. Fucker.
  19. You missed a fun show betch
  20. Your fucking therapist needs therapy lol
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