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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. People fight there and the bathroom is horrifying. You will see balls at some point if you keep trying to use it. There's literally no privacy
  2. Then you should go. Comics are basically funny drug dealers
  3. C'mon I'll let you do 15 in front of 6 loud drunks that are looking for drugs
  4. Lol only took me two years. Thank you
  5. Facts. Someone actually got stabbed there a couple years ago lol
  6. People know me in the scene and I usually do well as a host. The regular host has a show so he asked me to fill in
  7. This shitty bar will still be here lol
  8. I'll give you 5 extra minutes
  9. Thank you. It will probably suck but I appreciate the encouragement 😀
  10. Me neither honestly. Cocaine is where its at (allegedly) Don't wanna get banned
  11. You live in the right place 😂
  12. it's a wild Youngstownian! Get the Narcan!
  13. I'm killing in this thread 😎
  14. Don't feel bad. I do that all the time lol
  15. Nah I got this off a tekashi vid
  16. For sure. I'll keep you posted. It'd be interesting just to see someone from here irl lol
  17. Dope! Maybe you can see me do stand up one day!
  18. I was literally in Warren last week. Ohio likes me way better than Pissylvania
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