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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Club foot mf
  2. Lol yall need to ease up on my boy 🗡️
  3. Lol I just got that 😂
  4. Bama Lost to LSU.... FUCK
  5. ...... what the fuck happened to my God damn saints?
  6. Fuck no. Triple whopper large fry and a sweet tea
  7. Don't give af about this movie I'm doing 😎
  8. That must be nice lol
  9. I can change oil and tires. Das it
  10. Watch outtttttttttt
  11. We had fun tonight. Footage coming soon
  12. We don't belong in the playoffs Tua is overrated Our defense is fucking garbage Bukkake
  13. Quackers I'm gonna fuck you (consensualy)
  14. Our defense is fucking garbage. This would normally be in the sports thread but FUUUUUUUUUCK
  15. Lol that's fine. I've performed for ppl like that irl
  16. Nahhh not today. Today I was doing my penile strengthing exercises.
  17. I could mop the floor lol
  18. Its gonna be unfunny out of spite.
  19. Won't be entire sets but bits and pieces for sure. It's more of a bts thing.
  20. Get out of it
  21. i'll post it here and remind everyone like the annoying welp I am lol
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