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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Yes and no. On the one hand everything about it sucked and I was doing it for free. On the other I hate not getting to finish what I start. And I hate that I wasted an entire Sunday I could have been watching football.
  2. Way to fat for me if that's the case.
  3. Ok. So it was just me and some other guy in they gym. I was minding my own business doing dumbbell curls. This dude walks right next to me, puts his phone in my face (which was playing a video of a chick with a huge ass squatting in yoga pants) and he yelled "PUMP DAMNIT! PUMP! PUMP!" Lol I've never spoken to this dude. Idk what compelled him to do that.
  4. Lolol that's pretty good
  5. Believe it or not I actually have lol
  6. Well as soon as I find him ill definitely ask him
  7. Yeah it'll get 2.5 likes on Twitter
  8. That's what I aspire to be in life fr
  9. Wasted a Sunday and went to a table read. So yeah I wish I could have that time back
  10. That's not a bad idea. Let me get him on the phone
  11. For posting this. Lol I find it hilarious but apparently not everyone shares my sense of humor
  12. Nah he wears shit like that. Lol it ain't my style but I think he pulls it off
  13. Eh it's better you don't. Save you the displeasure of hearing my annoying ass voice.
  14. See this is more like it
  15. Why the fuck would you torture yourself like that?
  16. All my friends are such pussies about my thinly veiled cries for help. It's like I hate myself let's get sushi bitch.
  17. I'd love to check it out. Might send video and try to get a show down there. Fucking yinz
  18. You sweet. I'd meet you to I'd also like to meet @Poof @CutieQuesadilla @Rogue @NaBoomer @cyberbully And @Vela I just need to know these people actually exist
  19. lol do whatever you want
  20. yep thats my boy Joey P
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