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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. This holiday is dildos
  2. People want to get me stuff for Christmas and there's nothing material that I want at all. You could offer me a brand new car and I'd piss on it. All I want is career success. Like literally that's it. It's all I care about. This is most likely a bad thing. I just don't see the point of material possessions. Do you really need all that shit? What are you gonna do with it when you get bored with it? Not judging if you're into nice things. I'm just tired of people insisting I get a bunch of material bullshit that. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. It's all a bunch of shit. People spend money they don't have during this holiday. So focused on fancy shiny crap instead of embracing their loved ones whom they have limited time with. The lights will go off one day and there won't be a damn thing you or anyone can do about it. Hug your friends.
  3. I'm very sorry to hear your parents were shitty to you. I feel you on that. My parents are a mess. My aunt and uncle raised me. Just talking about this is already making me feel better. Preciate it Holmes 💪🏾
  4. Its a ten hour drive. I can only afford to see them once a year. Sometimes I don't even get that. What's getting me right now is the changes. We're all growing up and it's eating at me. I'm not supposed to have feelings lol
  5. Yeah. Idk it's a mixture of sobering reality and sad. Hurts man. I miss my family. I'll get over it once I get back into the swing of things. All good times have that bittersweet tinge
  6. Back from. Idk I feel so many different ways. Not sure how to describe it.
  7. Just got back home.... I'm bummed... I think lol not sure honestly
  8. I'll hold you to it
  9. I fucked him right in his balls
  10. Ew you're 12
  11. Lol apparently it is
  12. Come back to bed bby
  13. Trigun wants me and I want him
  14. Yeah man. My buddy puked his fucking balls off this morning
  15. Dude I'm hungover with no memory of any of this lol. I'm sorry y'all. I'm done with moonshine 🤣
  16. Yp I'm naked right now what's up
  17. Lmao ok I'm a good ch is taxi an vi. Abeliwv yowah wtf I fk nevermind vves
  18. Yeah bitch fuck you
  19. Take your pants off you pretty hair bastard
  20. Take your pants off bit boy
  21. Look. This apple put gas Mr mwking bad desiciond. Gg allin has a small cock teahhhh
  22. Ay apple pie moonshine is my religion
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