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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Its awesome that you can do that. I don't have the space. What do you listen to?
  2. Common interests
  3. You got this Jackie! Fuck that shit up!
  4. Dude that sounds trash. I sorry You're gonna get all As
  5. Hey man you do your own thing. That's something to be proud of
  6. Fuck. What you do?
  7. Call an Uber and get more
  8. Wow lol you guys have an awesome life based on that alone. Congrats! That seriously sounds fun
  9. Lol do you own a winery or something?
  10. Sounds relaxing
  11. Hell yeah brother get fucked up
  12. That must be some good shit. I've never even heard of most of it
  13. Dude I wish we were neighbors
  14. Dude the Jets and the giants are such fucking trash. That poor fucking cat lives in New Jersey
  15. I miss them
  16. Damn girl you got a fucking mess you're dealing with. Yall need to sit down with Dr. Phil lol
  17. I so envy that! I wish I could work out at home. I wouldn't stop lol My favorite cardio is treadmill but I need music while I run or I can't fucking do it
  18. That's another thing. This dude was married the whole time. Lol I mean that's another level of scumbaggary
  19. Exactly. He's playing some mind games and this is just gonna be a non stop cycle. But again I'm not in any way trying to tell you what you need to do. Just saying this dude is a manipulative clown.
  20. New York can't play football for shit.
  21. cool. I'm doing that too. My gym is a fucking shithole tho
  22. I get that but that doesn't justify his bullshit. It really doesn't.
  23. I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life. You do you. But all I'll say is what he's doing with your head is really fucked up.
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