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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Done! Drink that shit!
  2. 32 fuck you mean
  3. I'm pouring you another shot idgaf
  4. Dude puking rally. You gotta bounce back
  5. For me it was Lothric and Lorian. Holy god damn shit! I must have died like fifty times to them. Lorain has that giant sword and Lothrics energy balls are stupid powerful. I beat it tho
  6. I love Skyrim but I agree it is a tad overrated. It's a watered down version of Witcher 3 to me. Witcher 3 for king!
  7. PSN: ako1993 Or king dick. I don't play my ps4 all the time tho because I have like 8 consoles and I rotate them.
  8. That's deep, man. You trying to smoke a doob?
  9. 69/mail/420ville
  10. In the spirit of Christmas I offer you all an old portable DVD player I "found" In an abandon house. I guess you guys gotta share it.
  11. That's not very nice
  12. Shit dude. I was afraid of that. Wouldnottaste/10
  13. Nah homie I SAY good day. Tf you think this is?
  14. Stop bro. You don't know science I know science
  15. So in other words the best thing ever?
  16. Holy Santa claws shit
  17. They both smell anchovies on a daylee basis.
  18. I imagine it would be like a mixture of grape soda and Michelob ultra
  19. Ok...holy shit where do I start? For starters, it was very well written. Grammatically sound with an extensive vocabulary. I loved the combination of different worlds as well as the break neck action sequences. They were incredible. I did feel like they dragged a bit at times, but it wasn't a serious issue. The dialogue was impeccable. I love how you captured the characters, especially Deadpool, so perfectly. It really helped set the scene. As far as the sex scenes are concerned, they were pretty enjoyable. The first one wasn't my favorite because it wasn't consensual but that's just me. The others were definitely fapworthy stuff. My favorite part about how you did the sex scenes is the reader can easily omit them if they wish. They aren't required as a vital plotpoint. You give the reader a choice which is dope. Overall it was an exhilarating ride of non stop action, sex, and sarcasm. I gotta give this one a strong 8.5/10!
  20. Aight bro. Might take me a min but I'm on it
  21. I just want to say this sucks. Luuv and I never really spoke, but that man worked hard. He was like our anchor. Fuck
  22. I'm gonna critique it too. I'm brutal with my smut critisisms.
  23. I miss smiley indifferent
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