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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I have an unfortunate problem that unfortunately only money can solve......unfortunately.....this isn't easy for me to say but............i......i.... I can't afford the Nintendo switch. Make all checks out to cash. Kthnxbi
  2. Sick. Would fap/10
  3. Dope tracks bro
  4. FUK I forgot
  5. Thank you bro. Means alot!
  6. 69 times a day exactly. 6 days a week. 9 hours a day
  7. My old name was poonhandler6969420. You remember me?
  8. Idk anybody yet but like I want to participate. I'll probably just vote.
  9. This reminds me of when a band does a reunion tour. It's awesome but it could never beat the original.
  10. Awsum. Where's Odin?
  11. It never lets me type "fuck" but it always let's me misspell big words when I'm texting my side bitches. And I'm tired of looking like a jerk!
  12. All I want for Christmas is a Nintendo Switch and every NES game evar.. Brb crying because no money
  13. That shit deep af
  14. Oh lol I didn't know you were supposed to pay them. Fuk.
  15. Wtf is dignity....us that some sort of political posishin?
  16. A taco....and some lasagna
  17. would watch/10
  18. Wait like furries or actual dinos?
  19. My life is disappoint bro
  20. I liked the first thing. But the dinosaur thing isn't my thing
  21. Are you the one with the balloons?
  22. I died and came in heaven
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