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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I love the simplicity of it. There was no need for complex story lines. You were just a quiet guy taking over organized crime. It was sweet. I still play it today
  2. Honestly I feel the same way. I'm probably scrapping that one because it's very hit or miss even with non old catholics.
  3. You're doing it so wrong
  4. shitposting....might eat later
  5. Me running around with a gun. #drysnitching #gun #guncontrol #crime #IlikemygirlsBBW
  6. And when I say smack around I mean smack around. No dainty little love taps. You better be knocking my teeth out. I better be concussed. Only brain damage gets me off.
  7. I don't bend over for anything shorter than a yard. And you better smack me around first.
  8. Honestly I thought about that too...lol like i could say it's like telling a holocaust joke at a synagogue. Or telling an incest joke at the white house
  9. Basically I said We tell our kids ghosts aren't real. You ever wonder if ghosts tell their kids that the ghostbusters aren't real? Like when Casper is getting tucked in at night does he say "Mommy are the Catholic priests going to exercise me?" She'd probably say "No honey they only go after little boys that are still alive." Told that in a room full of old Catholics.
  10. Thing is I had them going until that joke lol
  11. Ok...so I was booked to do comedy at a Serbian club tonight. There were 100 old ass Serbian club members there. Nobody fucking told me all Serbians are catholic.. So I told a very offensive catholic priest joke and let's just say I'm very lucky to be alive.. fuck me I'm stupid
  12. They really should. It's only right
  13. I really hope Phil is allowed to attend Vinny's funeral
  14. Our producer was actually on the phone with the Adult Swim people waiting for his call to go through, but they ended up piercing some guys belly button on the livestream so they never took our call. We're trying again next week.
  15. Well I plan on doing a sex tape parody of the whole nine yards titled the whole three inches sooooo... MAYBE SOON!
  16. Are we famous yet?
  17. lol i hope that piercing was worth it. Honestly even if AS shoots us down next week, the producers are doing a lot behind the scenes to sell the show. Meeting with agents, working on other pitches etc. Lol I'm more confident in this project than anything else I've ever shot lol
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