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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Ok so an update is warranted. Apparently the Adult Swim guys spent most of the livestream today piercing someone's belly button so we weren't able to get through. Our producer was actually on the queue, but because of the belly button thing they didn't take his call. Having said that, we fully intend to call next week. I really appreciate any and everyone who is supporting Hobo Hunters. I only ask that you humor us once more and tune in again next week. We are still very much pursuing this avenue. Side note: Hobo Hunters is actually going viral on Reddit
  2. Hey to anyone that wants to help: just make an account on Adultswim.com, wait until 8pm on the livestream, and rave about Hobo Hunters! Hey if we get on, I can always put in a word for anyone who wants to write or even act! Not trying to bribe anyone. I'm serious. Some of you freaks are talented lol. Hope to see some of y'all at 8.
  3. Hell yeah! If we get on AS I'm shouting everybody out. If not I'm gonna rob a sex store
  4. bro positive thoughts! Keep your head up! Embrace that shit
  5. these hands are for everyone
  6. because it's rare. It's unique
  7. I may have a small cock, but I'm not into that shit. Thats why she's BLOCKED
  8. Hey I can beat my dick in 5 minutes. I'll cock block myself. I'm that extreme
  9. always know what youre working with first! lol
  10. that sounds like a logistic nightmare
  11. but this was one chick....whos now BLOCKED
  12. bro im right there with you. lil dick clique and proud
  13. ii have mental problems my dude
  14. nah see you just THINK it feels good. conspiracy
  15. i agree. They're funnier i think. I already blocked this chick. So its over
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