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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. What part of the south are you from? I'm originally from Alabama aka diet Mississippi
  2. I know nothing about anime but I'm willing to learn!
  3. We could talk about slamming whores bro
  4. I'm honestly different depending on what I drink. If I stick with beer I'm lots of fun. Alcohol, specifically whiskey, gets me in trouble lol
  5. I wonder what that would be like
  6. Seeing what you write in threads being spoken by you on video fucked my head. I'm #ded
  7. Tony Hawk. That dude never committed a single crime that I know of...... Tony Hawk for president in 2020
  8. Boy you're going to hell telling lies like that
  9. He's gonna smoke out of his ass. It's hot bro
  10. Its that backside. He's thicccccccc
  11. My proudest fap
  12. Well I'll probably just do that at first bro
  13. Oh so I can't like just spectate and chat?
  14. But seriously I want to join in one of these extracurricular things. I keep missing them
  15. Well I'm in
  16. Saw the title and was like "is that like hotboxing but with jacking off"
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