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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. A homeless shelter?
  2. Nickelback? MORE LIKE ALPHABACK
  3. Bro congrats I've never made a woman cum but im mad selfish
  4. What's the not nice answer
  5. Dude trust me I know all too well! Proud member of the lil dick clique!
  6. Lolol damn those stairs got your ass
  7. Damn dude I'm sorry but hey props to not being able to fit in a condom. That's impressive!
  8. That's straight out of a bang bros scene lol
  9. That fucking story was 🎩🎩🎩🎩 BRO!
  10. I was drunk and high when I lost mine lol. It was on some chicks apartment floor at this party. I was 16. I also didn't wear a condom so I was fucking paranoid that I got her pregnant for like two months lol
  11. DiscolemonAIDS Terribly scary name I know but its creative
  12. I think all of today's music, movies, and TV shows suck. Like I don't relate to anyone my age. It's really weird. I feel like I should have been born in 1975.
  13. Drinking beer and watching fireworks
  14. Lol wtf is with the penguin cuz? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. That guys a fucking moron (not Gordon)
  16. Which legend of zelda? The first?
  17. Well as we all know you are a tall Jewish man and also jeff Goldblum is pure sex. Anyone who disagrees is jealous. Period.
  18. I'm down to play anything just no shooters. Lol I hate shooters
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