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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I pick Derrick for real. He has a different name and I have errectile dysfunction so I can't look it up. Anyway heres his song
  2. Just go to www.hobohunters.com We have up our trailer as well as two fifteen minute pilot episodes
  3. Wow dude lol that's sketchy as fuck. Glad you all weren't killed in your sleep
  4. See I would've brake checked their asses lol. Also I had this SHIT 03 Ford escort. This thing had mangled transmission mounts, Holes in the coolant system, and it only came out of park some of the time lol. I lived on this narrow street when I had that car, and one morning a bus side swiped it which totaled the car. Luckily it was a commercial bus so the driver couldn't just keep going. I got a fat check and bought another scrap pile lol
  5. No. My plastic dollar store bumper
  6. Lol I drive a shitacular sunfire. I should've let her destroy it for the insurance check lol
  7. I really hope not. I'll feel like shit for having not done anything.
  8. You better hit me in the face first, stud.
  9. It's seriously the most awkward thing ever. She was fucking like on the ground laughing hysterically. Then she got up and fell on my hood. Some dude came out of nowhere and whisked her away...... Did I just witness a kidnapping?
  10. Let's prove that 4chan isn't the only forum that can make a difference!
  11. Can we count on you to get on that chat and support the shit? We got this dude named Adam that can slob you down.
  12. Follow the link in my sig and you can get more info and watch both of our pilot episodes. It's basically a satirical reality show where degenerates hunt homeless people for prizes.
  13. I believe that's what the shows called. Anyway we're pitching it that day. If y'all log in and rave about Hobo Hunters in the chat when we pitch it it might get picked up apparently. So you could help us out. Or you could tell us to fuck off..... Either way, I'll still give you hepatitis 😎
  14. No bro. Srs question bro
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