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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Absolutely! Anything to take attention away from my peen
  2. I meanits small bro. its like a damn house key
  3. Don';t nobody care about cock dude
  4. Dude trust me.....it's small...REALLY small
  5. When you're as small as me it's almost impossible to look at it
  6. This is my definition of heaven. Pure majestic beauty
  7. Because big balls are cool to have. Don't be jelly bro
  8. tyson has fucking cantaloupes for balls dude
  9. why mike tyson. hes inept
  10. ehh it's all good. Getting myself off takes minimal effort
  11. Absolutely BUT! That's not the point. It's the principle of the thing
  12. Dude whatever you're smoking make sure to pass that shit around
  13. fucking both. are you kidding me?
  14. i already have head shots of my face. Head shots of my cock would require a microscopic camera and idt that exists
  15. i want him to smack me around a little
  16. I'd want tarantino to direct my cock. Make it kill people
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