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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. That's ridiculous
  2. I ain't turning shit down, pooh
  3. Or I'll turn it down for you
  4. Be nice to everyone except me.
  5. Ok so I have good news and bad news. First the bad news: we're not pitching hobo hunters on development meeting tomorrow. The good news: Apparently one of the producers gave everything to an exec at Adult Swim. Considering he lives in Atlanta and he has connections, I believe that. So to sum it up we sorta kinda are still in the running i guess? Lol idk but if there are any new developments regarding hobo hunters I'll post them in this thread. I guess we can let it die or we can shitpost in here. Either way I'll give you all hepatitis 😎
  6. ohh that's low
  7. All of these responses worked
  8. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to wake up around 1 or 2 and check this thread. Can you talk me into going back to sleep?
  9. Sounds can be deceptive
  10. Really good
  11. And I'll always let you down
  12. That's true. I also do open mics all the time and they're usually at bars where you have to make people give a fuck
  13. I do bars and VFWs mostly tho lol
  14. Why weren't you there?
  15. me wen i think about you
  16. I actually have a Hitler joke
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