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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Idk bro all I know is I found his chick on Christian mingle and I christened that ass
  2. Bro please! I had to do it!
  3. Thanks bro. This dude is crazy! All I did was give his chick LONG ASS DICK and now he's livid for some reason
  4. Bro please don't hurt me bro. If it makes you feel better she loves like every second of it. But bro please I'm seriously scared for my life
  5. Dude please protect me from him! He's crazy and he wants to hurt me over this chick!
  6. I managed to get a pic of Marie last night... Please don't hurt me bro
  7. This shit sounds like a constipated dude singing over the baha men
  8. I book this comedy show every month, and the dude I booked who was supposed to bring people had a friend break his wrist in a skateboarding accident so he had to drop out. Apparently it was a bad break too. Like there was blood and shit. Lol almost tanked the whole show
  9. I fapped my sham lam doobily RAW to this
  10. Do eet. I've been having shitty days lately too bro. I want to sleep for a week
  11. Sorry to hear that man. You're not alone lol.
  12. I don't think he is. He just looks it
  13. You ain't nothin but a hounddog
  14. For sure! I've got several in post production now. I also have a few things I just haven't posted lol
  15. Thanks dude I really appreciate that. Honestly I gotta thank the crew. This shoot went smoothly because of them. I just pretended to be confused after he said action lol. I'll make sure to tell the director that people on the board liked it. And seriously I appreciate you watching. Indie filmmakers need all the support they can get!
  16. The director will be thrilled to hear your assessment. I like working with him. He knows what he's doing.
  17. Oh better believe in real life id be down the damn street. Lol I'd be gone! Glad you like it man!
  18. Thank you all so much for giving a damn!
  19. I swear to God I'll cry tears of joy the day I don't have to drive it again
  20. So I drive a 2003 Pontiac sunfire (I fucking hate my car it's a stupid worthless piece of scrap pile junk yard shit) and I seem to have a cooling problem. When I stop the car the temperature gauge slowly goes up and won't go down. This is only if I'm stationary with the engine running. Like if I'm stuck in traffic or some shit. When the cars moving the gauge stays right where it should. So how fucked am I? Be honest.
  21. She did She ain't waking up tho. She's piped out. She was talking shit on him last night while I was balls deep. She was like "Idk why that Dr Eggman dude was trying to hook up with me."
  22. I get pissed when I get woken up for sex. Sleep is better. Less effort.
  23. That's a good hobby to help you relax I feel. We all need things to help us wind down. But seriously that hat is damn good. Like I'm sure someone would buy that. Pretty sure the vest will come out sweet too
  24. Nice work dude!
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