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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. but bro he's thick solid and tight ya know I just don't know if you can hurt him
  2. thats what the ladies do when they see my cawk
  3. dude idk about that...he's in shape lol
  4. you are right. I've heard plenty of those. I think the trick is to put your own unique spin on it. Sooooooo many things have already been done
  5. I did bro. Which is why I'll win. I've got lots of experiance. I taught Marie I thing or two
  6. You're wrong bro. I'm 40. This chick wants the old bull. Not the young calf bro.
  7. Hey bb I've fallen but I can totally get up
  8. Bro Marie loves this 40 year old wrinkle stick
  9. True love at its finest
  10. Hell yeah I got writers block and shit
  11. Thank you! Damn yall are inspiring my ass!
  12. I actually already have some scary movie material but more definitely doesn't hurt
  13. Hey bb asl?
  14. I was actually thinking about writing about that earlier today. I really think that could be solid.
  15. I dig all of those, but I don't do politics.
  16. That's a challenge. I dig it.
  17. Do any of you want to give me topics to write stand up comedy about? I think it'd be cool if yall gave me some good premises that I could work into bits. Or don't. You could just tell me to fuck off.
  19. It piss
  20. SHHHHH I don't want to get my ass kicked!
  21. UPDATE HOLY shit! My headliner and one of the other comics that was on the show got into a huge fight in the show group chat that I set up. Like it was the most awkward thing I've ever seen. I really feel like shit about the show last night, but now I feel exponentially worse. I feel like I failed as a host as well as a booker. My performance was sub par. I was just off, but for this shit show to happen afterwards is just insult to injury. Fuck my life.
  22. Exactly he HAD.
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