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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. He was lol if that counts
  2. me too. i have a close family member doing 10
  3. For white girls that like trap music
  4. Dude fuck Buffalo. i hope they lose every game.
  5. You know what pisses me off? Buffalo trading AJ McCarron. They didn't even give him a chance. Just traded him to be a backup. I'm trying to see a bama QB make it out here!
  6. No worries bro. I'm about to sip this quil and doze off
  7. I was just trying to feel really good because I'm sick as fuck, but idk this just seems dangerous. I'm probably just gonna fuck up this quil and pass out. I'm delirious
  8. More like dirty sprite
  9. I'm torn. Maybe I should just get drunk.
  10. See idk if I want to do it now lol
  11. So will I live if I do it?
  12. I'm pretty sure it could but I'm not 100%
  13. He's like a chubby Johnny football
  14. Green Bay defense shitting the bed rn
  15. Bro they need a lb to spy that biscuit
  16. Lol the Trubisuit kid tripped and fell
  17. Packers and bears is getting good
  18. It's hard being a saints fan. They're trash
  19. Would you rather stick a lit match against the head of your penis for thirty seconds 8 times, put three needles in your urethra all day OR eat (and I mean eat) Oprah's ass for 10 minutes an hour after she's eaten 50 chili dogs with extra kraut Death is not an option.
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